Hey Helpers! Today we logged on to CPAB to have a practice for the upcoming Trick or Treat Trials! Thanks to everyone who came and to Jo for leading!
Max: 8+
Comment below if you attended!
Hey Helpers! Today we logged on to CPAB to have a practice for the upcoming Trick or Treat Trials! Thanks to everyone who came and to Jo for leading!
Comment below if you attended!
Hello everyone! Today we logged on CPABattleground, Stadium to have a fun Trick-or-Treat battle, we did some amazing forms and tactics led by our amazing leaders Rooboo, Yoda, Thuanthaijo and our Trustee Desireus. They were wonderful and led us to the win. Thanks to everyone who attended the Event, and thanks to Sammit for VC leading us into Battle! :))
Hey Helpers! This friday we logged on CPAB to have a Practice Battle against our allies Army of Club Penguin! Thank you all for coming and a special thanks to Jo for leading!
Comment below if you attended!
Hello Helpers! Today we logged on CPAB, Stadium for our mission to become a Major Army again! We started off by making our first event as an operation for that mission! Thanks to everyone for making it happen!
Hello Helpers! Today we logged on CPAB, Stadium for a Bush event! We wore our bushes and went around the map doing some wonderful forms and tactics led by the great leader Thuanthaijo. Thank you to all who came to the event!! Until the next one :))
Hello everyone! Last Sunday we logged on CPABattleground for a Pinata Blast event! we did amazing tactics and forms led by Mantiuxx. Thanks to all who participated in the event! :DDD
Hello Helpers! Today we logged on CPABattleground to have a JoJo Bizzare Adventure anime event! We were led by Yoda and Night with fun tactics and forms! Thanks to those who attended the event! Till next time :DDD
Greetings everyone! Last Tuesday, we logged on CPAB, Stadium for an Alien Invasion event. We had some fun tactics and formations led by Thuanthaijo. Thanks to the lovely Helpers for attending the event! :))
Hello there! Last Sunday, the Helpers logged on CPABattleground for a Fruit Fight event! We did some tactics and forms led by Foxy. Thanks to all attendees for coming! :DDD
Hello Helpers! Last Friday we logged on CPABattleground for a Mermaid Ariel event led by Beasto. We did amazing forms and tactics. Thanks to everyone who attended the event. Until the next event :))