Salutations Folks! Today we logged onto CPR for an intense battle against Help Force’s mortal enemies – Ketchup Krusaders. We fought well led by ROOBOO, Scorp, Diwix and Wynn and beat the disgusting Ketchup once and for all! No more weird cookies are allowed in the server! Thank you all for coming!

MAX: 47+

Comment below if you attended the battle!

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Howdy Helpers! This evening we logged onto CPR for another breathtaking battle between our teams, Fire, and Water! The fight took place at Night Club, Stadium, and Lighthouse and was led by Joe, ROOBOO, Mayathefirst, AbosoluteTrash, Diwix, and Scorpion Demon. Thank you, everyone, for coming, and congratulations Team Fire on turning the tide and winning with a score of 2-1!

MAX: 57+

Comment below if you attended the event!

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[EU/US INT] Battle Training

Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for the EU/US [INT] Battle Training Event! We practiced formations and fast tactics in preparation for an upcoming battle in the Docks, Inside Mine, Stadium and Cove. Thanks to Nell, Diwix and Rooboo for leading this event. Great job helpers, lets bring home this victory!

Max: 35+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged back onto CPR for a great [INT] Helpforce Buys Starbucks event. The Helpers definitely had their coffees this morning as we witnessed some great coffee related tactics and emotes at the Stadium, Coffee Shop and Inside Mine. The event was led by Nell, Diwix and Chloe. Thanks everyone for attending and see you at the next event!

Max: 40+

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