Hi helpers! today we marched onto CPRewritten for a battle vs the Magma Clan, sadly they couldn’t make it, we still performed some wonderful tactics and solid formations lead by Joe and Snowy at the Town, Snow Forts, and Stadium, as well as a fun Find Four Tournament afterwards. Thank you all for attending!
[SATIRE] The De-RIG-cious Awards
The “De-Lice-ious Awards” are all set to start this week, and before it’s too late, THIS needs to be put out there. The award show is RIGGED. I am risking my position and reputation with the HF Staff by posting this, but the helpers deserve justice.
Inside Out
Welcome back to Inside Out! Everyone’s favourite blogger, lydsb, is back with Help Force’s latest gossip. This week I’ll be talking about the British Chat hours and Help Force’s hottest ships! Excluding Diwlyd smh.
CPA Today
Hey Helpers, welcome to CPA Today! We bring to you the hottest news about every army of the community, hand curated by our special team!
HF Insight: #HelpForceFamilyAlwaysAndForever
Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!
Table of Contents
- What’s been Happening
- Week in Short
- GOTW Interview
- Army Statistics for the Week
- HF Insight Insider Information
Weekly Reflection
Week in Review
[16/05 – 22/05]
Welcome everyone to the newest Weekly Reflection where you can find updates about different army statistics and trivia! During this week we dominated all three time zones with huge maxes and we recruited tons of people! Congratulations everyone, it wouldn’t be possible without you!
Max Averages
AUSIA: 46 [7↓]
EU: 50 [5↑]
US: 41 [9↑]
Main Event Max: 60 [2↓]
The Great Adventure
Nothing. I’m too lazy to go on an adventure… however, I can tell you about an interesting story I heard today. It happened to my friend, his Discord name is Ruubuu#9101! I swear he’s real, he even has a Chris Evans pfp. He’s a huge foodie, loves eating chicken and pizzas and absolutely loathes Pina Coladas. *cue song: Escape (The Pina Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes*. Now that we have established the identity of our hero, let’s move on to the main story, in Ruubuu’s own words!
Greetingssssssss! Today we had a 3-Way Battle between Team Fire, Team Water, and Red Ravagers in the Ice Berg! Dominating the battle, we had a very cool and huge Hide and Seek after and it was mainly staff vs troops and staff won woohoo! Get a chance to see highlights of today’s battle and event and it will be really amazing to come check an upcoming one!
Max: 40+
Comment below if you attended the event!
Rainbow’s Catalog Guide – May 2021
Welcome back, Helpers! Here we have another Catalog Guide of Rainbow’s, this time Prehistoric style! Tune in to see May’s Catalog Guide, especially where to find the different Letterman Jackets!
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Know Your Ally – Army of CP
Hey guys! Welcome to HF’s newest column: Know Your Ally! A series to learn and know more about our wonderful allies! Starting off, we’re interviewing our brother ally, ARMY OF CLUB PENGUIN [ACP]
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