Posted on August 24, 2022 by ScorpionDemon
It has been more than a month since the Second in Commands Mayathefirst and Desireus switched their names. Following the unprecedented chaos caused by their decision and the recent disasters that were direct outcomes of this irresponsible behaviour, the Helpforce Enforcers of Law (HEL) has decided to bring their misdeeds to light.

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Posted on June 25, 2022 by ScorpionDemon
A gloomy atmosphere had set in, as firmly lodged in as a dog digging down a rabbit hole. The rainstorm caused by the invading Water Vikings stopped three days ago, but the skies hadn’t cleared up yet. It was evening now, and Scorp’s office was starting to get darker. He finally laid down the pen that hadn’t rested since seven hours now. Unlike the rest of the staff, he preferred writing out battle plans and reports on paper. The clock began beeping at the exact moment he kept the pen down. It was 4:30 pm. Thirty minutes before Elp’s daily pings. This was the time to go enjoy a cup of coffee. Once Elp arrived, Joe and Jayden would start overloading the canteen, ordering cold coffees and fresh virgin pina coladas for the Great Lice. He filed the papers, picked up his keys and exited the office. As he locked the doors, the various sounds that filled the headquarters began making themselves more prominent. An engine was revving in Desireus’ office. It was always a wonder how he managed to get engines and vehicles into his office. Maya’s office, located two doors away, seemed to be the source of some very sus noises. “Yikes – it’s better to not investigate that”, he thought to himself. Somewhere, a cat screamed and knocked something over. “Is Ayan kicking Snowy’s cats again?” After a pause, he laughed and said out loud, “Obviously”.
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Posted on July 29, 2021 by ScorpionDemon
Hello Comrades! Today we logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten on the server Ascent for Operation Bumblebee! We rocked our latest Advanced Uniform, consisting of Yellow Color and the Black Letterman Jacket. The army put on a great show today, with captivating tactics and splendid formations! A huge thank you to everyone who attended, and to Racoco (Alex) and Desireus for leading!
Max: 41
Comment below if you attended!
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