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Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[14/03 – 20/03]

Welcome everyone to yet another edition of Weekly Reflection! This week was all about preparation for the incoming March Madness Tournament, with lots of training and recruiting. We all feel ready for the battle on Sunday and let’s keep improving next week!

Max Averages

AUSIA: 40[5↑]
EU: 32[9↓]
INT: 36 [-]
Main Event Max: 32[21↓]

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[EU] Practice Battle vs Water Vikings

Hi Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR Ascent for a practice battle against Water Vikings! The event was lead by Admiral Jayden, Admiral Joe and Commander Barnito! The rooms used were Stadium, Docks and Iceberg! Our tactics formations and bombs were done perfectly and in synchronization. Well done amazing helpers!

Max: 32+ 

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[INT] Battle Training

Hey Helpers!! Today we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten for some battle training! we did some really amazing formations and tactics led by Barnito and Jayden. Great Job today, Helpers! I’ll see you all in our next battle!

MAX: 32+

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Happy Birthday HF!

Greetings Everyone!! Today, we all gathered on Club Penguin Rewritten for the fabulous event i.e. [EU] 3rd Anniversary Event! With members from across our history coming to the event, we had tons of fun. The helpers responded with enthusiasm and spontaneity to the very well leading by Morty, Barnito and Joe. Congrats to Nell on her promotion to Commander of the  Help Force. Thank you everyone for coming!

Max: 53+

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[INT] Branch Battle – Team Water vs Team Fire vs RR

Hello everyone! This Sunday we logged onto CPR for the first Three Way Battle in our history! Team Water, Team Fire and Red Ravagers put up a close fight at Studium, Forest and Docks. Thank you Joe, Maya, Wynn, Jayden, Chloe, Amy and Rooboo for leading today and thank you RR the awesome fun! Helpers, see you all at the next Branch Battle!

Max: 36+

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[EU] Practice Battle vs Ice Warriors

Hey Helpers! Today we all logged onto CPR for a Practice Battle against our allies, Ice Warriors. Tactics, bombs and formations were all performed perfectly with coordination. The Rooms in which the Battle took place in were: The Stadium, The Docks, and Forest. Led by Commander Barnito, 2ic Nell and 3ic Joe. Good Job Helpers!

Max: 36+

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[EU] Branch Battle – Team Water vs Team Fire

Greeting everybody! Today we logged onto CPR for the first Branch Battle between Team Water and Team Fire! The event was a huge success! It took place in Inside Mine, Iceberg, Forest, Studium and Docks and both teams put up a strong fight but the winner can be only one! Congratulation Team Water on winning this time and thank you Nell, Joe, Jayden, Wynn, Maya, Ru, Chloe and Barnito for leading! Hope you had fun everyone and see you at the next battle!

Max: 36+

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How Would You Help

Hey Helpers! Welcome to the newest edition of “How Would You Help”. A series dedicated to bringing you through the eyes of the HF Staff Team. Tricky questions are asked to our staff, whether it be about Recruiting, Events, or even CPRewritten. I ask questions that should hopefully give you a little insight on what the staff of HF do!

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[EU] Formation and Speed Practice on CPR

Howdy Helpers! Today EU division logged into the CPR for practice event before the battle! The event went marvelously! We did many tactics with enormous speed and synchronization at Docks, Iceberg, Studium, Inside Mine and Night Club! Thank you for leading Nell and Barnito, and everyone for coming!

MAX: 30+

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[INT] Operation: Blue Fever

Greetings everybody! Today we logged onto the CPR for an operation led by Nell, ROOBOO, Wynn and Barnito. We were practicing various tactics at Iceberg, Studium and Docks. The event went amazing! Thank you everyone for being there with us!

MAX: 42+

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