Hey Helpers! Today we had a fun practice battle with our allies Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. Thank you to Zenishira, Yoda, and Snowy for leading. Excellent performance today, Helpers.
MAX: 20+
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Hey Helpers! Today we had a fun practice battle with our allies Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. Thank you to Zenishira, Yoda, and Snowy for leading. Excellent performance today, Helpers.
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Hey Helpers! Today we dressed as Aliens and had a u-lead to search for our rightful leader. We couldn’t decide who lead the best, so we settled on couping everyone. Great job today! Thank you Beasto and troops for leading.
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Hey Helpers! Today we proved our worth as Swifities by having a Taylor Swift Mirrorball themed event. We went around the island and celebrated each Era in order, which is the closest most of us will get to attending the Eras Tour. Thank you to Maya, Mantiuxx, and Snowy for leading, and shout out to Katiee and Kokomo for sending their own tactics!
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Hello brilliant Helpers! Today we logged on to Battleground Stadium as firefighters! The event was led by Rooboo at Stadium and Foxy at the Dojo where several fires were put out and the motherland was secured. Unfortunately the records show severe water loss there and the fire stations had to be closed until further notice.
Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground to have our Biker themed event! Everyone one got dressed up and rode their bikes through the island revving hard! Huge thanks to all who attended, till the next one!
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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground to have a Practice Battle against Swat! We battled it out through 2 rooms and it was a fun one! GGs to swat, and thanks for the battle. Hope you all enjoyed, see you all in the next one!
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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Battleground of CPABattleground to gather around and be absolute monkeys together! Everyone become monke and we swing through the jungle doing tactics. Huge thanks to everyone who attended!
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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Warzone of CPABattleground to have our Practice Battle with our icy allies the Ice Warriors! The battle was judged, and unfortunately we only managed to get a 0-1-1 score this time round, but nevertheless GGs to IW and huge thanks to them for the battle!
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Today we logged onto CPAB with cool red pink outfits to have a good and wonderful time! Thank you to the staff and troops for making it happen as an event on Club Penguin!
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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground to a practice battle with the Water Vikings! Huge thanks to WV for the battle and GGs to them! Thanks to everyone who attended, till the next one!
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