Get To Know Your Staff – Diwix

Hello guys! YES I am back with another interview just for you!! This is the blog where I interview the amazing staff of our server so we could know more about them! This week I interviewed the awesome and the amazing Diwix. He is one of the oldest staff in the server and has made a return as an Admiral in HF. So, what are we waiting for? Let us all welcome him!



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Hello Helpers! Due to the fact that we are at war and facing those from the PIC, HF had to launch a strong attack towards Belly Slide to invade it! Our enemies were not prepared and were defeated by our powerful helpers (they were trained by the Avengers, it was normal). Thus said HF ticked off an important victory in this war by succeeding in invading enemy territory! We thank the helpers who came and fought for HF, and especially we thank the leaders: ROOBOO, BEASTO and JO who guided us to a fabulous victory!

MAX: 25+

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The HF Beacon

Zipline, Beasto’s Office — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

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Hello everyone! Last Sunday, we logged on CPJ for a Stamp Segment, we had fun, danced and helped other people to get stamps too! Thank you, JO, for leading the Event! And thank you to all attendees for coming!

MAX: 23+

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[WAR] Hunting the Confederation Down

The Glorious Gracious Motherland declares war upon the People’s Imperial Confederation

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Hello everyone! Last Friday, we logged on CPA Battleground, Stadium for the LCXIV Victory Buffet Celebration event! We did some cool new formations and had some fun with tactics. Thank you for the Help Force Staff team for leading the event! And thank you for all the attendees who came!

Max: 34+

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CPJ Catalog Secrets: August 2024

Hii Helpers! It’s a brand new month, and that means a brand new Penguin Style catalog has been released on Club Penguin Journey. As our penguins prepare for adventure and school, we need all the right clothing items to make this month one to remember. This guide will help you find all the CPJ Catalog Secrets in the August 2024 edition of Penguin Style. Read this post for a complete walkthrough!

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Why You Should Vote For Choco

The Golden Helper Award is notorious for being rigged. This year, we will ensure that it isn’t rigged by voting for the one person we can trust, Choco. Vote for Choco.

Vote for Choco

Vote Choco

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HF “13” – Summer Session 2024 [VOTING]

ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – As summer is almost done, Help Force Commanders are excited to announce the return of the Golden Helpers Award. This award is given annually to the thirteen most deserving members, who are chosen through a biannual voting process.

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GoTW #257, #258 & #259

Congratulations Aleksandr for winning Gamer of the Week 3 times in a Row, therefore earning the GoTW Specialist title! Wonderful work Comrade, and many more to come!