HF Winter Gala Awards – Voting Results

Unlike the event, in this post we will be showing the voting results and how did the numbers go for more juicy and spicy details!

made by Sal

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Hello everyone! Today we logged on to CPJ for a Stamp Segment, we had fun, danced, and helped other people to get stamps too! Thank you, Diwix and Jo for leading the Event! Thank you to all the attendees for coming!

MAX: 35+

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Happy Holidays my lovely friends ❤️ A series of posts will be exclusively released by me, Snowflake❄️, to explain and guarantee collecting all holiday items, this first post guides you through the community quests on CPJ, let’s start 🥰

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Double Trouble: Lucifer and Panda

Hi helpers!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favorite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. Did you miss us? We know it’s been a while, the two lovely duo we’ve got for you today also happened to be the busiest people ever. But it’s totally worth it, helpers, say hi to Lucifer and Panda!

Double Trouble

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Hello Helpers. Today we gathered on CPA Battleground to celebrate the New Era of the Help Force. This was a beautiful event with many surprises and promotions. Thank you BEASTO and GeoIonut for leading and thank you penguins for participating in the commencement of the New Era of Help Force!

MAX: 55+


Celebrating our New Era

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HF Summer Thirteen ’24

ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – As we are almost done with Summer Holiday, the voting session for the HF 13 has come to an end. A big thank you to everyone who cast your vote, as well as all those who were nominated.

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Why You Should Vote For Choco

The Golden Helper Award is notorious for being rigged. This year, we will ensure that it isn’t rigged by voting for the one person we can trust, Choco. Vote for Choco.

Vote for Choco

Vote Choco

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HF “13” – Summer Session 2024 [VOTING]

ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – As summer is almost done, Help Force Commanders are excited to announce the return of the Golden Helpers Award. This award is given annually to the thirteen most deserving members, who are chosen through a biannual voting process.

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[EU] Master Oogway

Hello Helpers! Today, we logged on CPABattleground, stadium for the Master Oogway event. Thanks for Yoda and Nightt for leading this event. Thanks for everyone who did attend. 😀

Max: 16+


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HF Summer Thirteen ’23

ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – As we enter July and summer, the voting session for the HF 13 has come to an end. A big thank you to everyone who cast your vote, as well as all those who were nominated; we couldn’t do this without your dedication.

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