Hello Reds and Greens! Today we logged onto CPR for an epic old style battle between Red Rats and Green Gamblers! It was led from the game by anyone who dared to take the commander’s role. Thank you all for coming to the fight of the Brush Brawl and the Hide and Seek that followed it! Hope you had a lot of fun at that chaotic event!

MAX: 51

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Greetings Fam… Today the helpers logged onto CPRewritten – Ascent for the event as we are marching towards the Blue Summer and to prepare for the Eastern Domination.
The event led by Jayden and Ayan was well-guided for new helpers as they learned formations and speed tactics.
Everyone performed very amazingly as we charged from Town, Coffee shop, Gift shop to Iceberg.

Have a glance at it below and make sure to join us for future fun events! 💙

MAX: 46+

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Ello Helpers! Today we logged on to CPRewritten for the Up, Up and Away event. This one certainly showed off how high we fly! We performed some great forms and fun tactics in Town, Snow Forts, Docks and the EPF room, holding on to our balloons at the same time. Thank you to all the people who led today, and all of the amazing troops who attended.

MAX: 52+

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Hello helpers! Today we logged onto CPR a fun U-Lead event, lead by Rooboo, Wynn, and troops. Great job leading today, Helpers!

MAX: 28+

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Hey Helpers! Another gameday is upon us and today’s first gameday event was a coffee-themed event as we logged onto Club Penguin Rewritten to do some tactics through Town and Coffee Shop. After being led in tactics by Nell, Rooboo and Ru, the main part of this gameday came which was a An Ice Fishing Tournament. The helpers definitely had their fishing fun in this one. Congrats to those who managed to score some high points!

MAX: 41+

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Hello Helpers! today we walked onto CPR to show off our stunning Colourful Cardigans, we performed some spectacular forms and tactics in Town, Night Club, and Gift Shop! Thank you Vedant and Nell for leading, and thank you all for attending amazayn people.

MAX: 50+

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Good evening, Helpers! Firstly, I’d like to congratulate everyone on this momentous feat of 10,000 discord members. Not only have we grown in terms of discord size, but also proved ourselves to be an undaunted force. To celebrate this, we held a massive event during the AUSIA times. This event was led by Ayan, Vedant, and the entire staff team during the final trivia.

We also had a battle against the Red Ravagers in which we switched through several bombs and formations in the Inside Mine. After the battle, both the armies held a combined in-game trivia wherein multiple rewards were given out. Congratulations!

MAX: 70+

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Greetings Fam… Today we encountered another amazing yet green beans event which was [AUSIA] OPERATION: GO GREEN.
We all logged on to CPRewritten – Ascent to show our appreciation for Mother Nature.

The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.
-Lady Bird Johnson

Jayden, Mandal, Scorp, Diwix, and RU led us as we waddled around Town, Coffee shop, Snowforts, plaza, and lastly Forest!
Have a glance at the greenery below and make sure to join our next event for more fun!

MAX: 49+

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[AUSIA] The Greatest Primal

Hey hey! Today we finally enjoyed an event that we’ve been ready for since millions of years. We logged on to the server Ascent for the Great Primal Event!

As we logged in, we warped back in time to prehistoric times, donning some tribal chieftain and caveguin outfits. After some time spent in the Town, we moved to the docks, saw an asteroid, and formed a comet cult to worship it. Unfortunately, our camera malfunctioned and only some parts of it had traveled back into the past. Hence, in our event pics, you can see the prehistoric versions of troops but the rest of the room looks just the same. During the event, some caveguins got jealous and started squabbling over who’s igloo was the best. And so we had an igloo contest!

We also performed some advanced tactics and formations to impress the stone age penguins. Unfortunately, we missed the size goal by 2 penguins. Thank you for attending the event, a huge thanks for leading, Ayan, and hope you had fun at the Igloo Contest!

MAX: 56+

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Hello Helpers! today we marched onto the server abominable for a fierce 3-way battle vs Army Of Club Penguin and Rebel Penguin Federation. all 3 sides performed some spectacular tactics and formations ending the battle it in a 3 way draw. thank you Ayan, Joe, Wynn, and Jayden for leading, and thank you all for attending!

Max: 55+

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