Greetings Helpers! Today we logged on to Zipline of Club Penguin Rewritten to have a meet among cars, reindeer and frostbites! Everyone took a bite of some magical cookies and transformed into either a car, reindeer or a frostbite as we did tactics through Town, Snow Forts and finally ended at Santa’s Workshop! We ended the event with a game of Hide and Seek between the 3 different teams! Huge thanks to Ru, Rooboo and Desireus for leading in today’s event! Thank you to all who attended as well, until next time!

Max: 22+

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Greetings fellow Helpers of the force! Today we logged onto Zipline of Club Penguin Rewritten to have our last event of the year! It was amazing and touching to reunite altogether for the last event and yet make it beyond special! Led by staff, junior staff, and troops; we had so much fun so thank you to everyone who participated!

Max: 48+

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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto Ascent of Club Penguin Rewritten to have our Christmas themed Yule Ball! Earlier we received intel that the Templars we’re planning to raid our event, and indeed they did! Thankfully we managed to defend them off and continued with a Christmas themed Masquerade. Huge thanks to Mandal, Desireus, Scorp, and Snowflake for leading throughout today’s event! Thank you to all who attended as well and a Merry Christmas to all!

Max: 26+

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Heya Helpers! Today we logged onto Zipline of Club Penguin Rewritten to have an igloo raiding event with our fellow allies, the Army of Club Penguin! Everyone got into their blue ornament costumes as we first did various tactics in Town and proceeded with christmas carolling through everyone’s igloos! Huge thanks to Scorp, Mandal and Plotter for leading throughout today’s event! Thank you to all who came as well, until next time!

Max: 31+

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Hey lads! Today we all logged onto Server – Ascent in the game for another pretty fun Christmas themed event in our advent-week made especially for the holiday season. We all dressed up mainly in either Santa Hats or Elf Hats for the event, which was led by Mandal, Plotter, Snowflake, Desireus and Scorp. With tons of Xmas and holiday season related tactics, even ones on Santa Hats and Elf ones, it was a fun filled one with many tactics and forms! Hope you all are enjoying the advent-week in Help Force a lot!

Max: 22+

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Greetings fellow Helpers of the force! Today we logged onto Zipline of Club Penguin Rewritten to have our one and only biggest nap segment! Everyone got into their cozy pajamas as we napped and did various tactics through Town, Docks, Stadium and finally the Cove. Huge thanks to Ivelkov, Plotter and Sam for leading throughout today’s event! Thank you to all who came! Till next time, keep napping!

Max: 23+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPRewritten for the Minion-inspired event Respect, Power, Banana! Thank you Ru, Desireus, and Scorp for leading. Great job today Helpers!

Max: 28+

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Howdy Helpers! We meet again on this glorious gracious day to celebrate and honour 4 of the most influential people in Help Force, as they retired from their Leader positions. Helpers logged on Zipline, CPRewritten where we did various formations, funny tactics and visited different rooms. Thank you, Ayan, Elp, Vedant and Nell for leading and thank you, everyone, for attending this memorable event! Everyone performed very well and I hope you had fun too! Congratulations to Wynn, the new Help Force Leader and best of luck on your journey! Best of luck, Help Force in the upcoming tournament!

P.S. Don’t forget to burn the chat once in a while…

Max: 47+

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged on to CPR and conducted a wonderful AUSIA event led by Scorp and other staff members. Nelly Jelly was there too and we got a stamp together! 😀 This event came with a surprise though :0 At the end, a few Junior Staff members got promoted to General. Congratulations to our dear king Goos and cricket fan, Sammy <3
This fun event featured plenty of funny tactics and many Pokemon references. Thank you, Professor Scorpion, for our first Pokemon lesson!

Make sure that you comment below and let us know if you enjoyed the event.

MAX: 26+


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Hi Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR to track the food thief! We did tactics at the Town and Docks led by RU and Mandal and then scatter the Island in searching for clues! Thank you everyone for coming and congratulations Ivelkov for finding Racosus who stole our food! Everyone will be fed now (apart from the staff of course)!

MAX: 21+

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