Hey Helpers! Today we had a new type of event called Color Wars where we turned yellow and had our Gold Jetpacks equipped and fought valiantly against the Army of CP, Water Vikings and Silver Empire. We moved back in time to 2006 where battles were all Snowball Fights and the teams were differentiated by colors. Tactics were led in game by Commanders Ayan and Barnito.
[EU] Operation: Ribbit
Greetings Helpers! This evening we logged onto CPR for another fun Practice Battle against the Army of CP with just our Froggy hats. With Ayan and Barnito leading the frontline we had a great deal of fun and made tons of unfrogettable memories! Thank you everyone for attending and thank you ACP for the fun battle!
Max: 40+
[EU/US INT] Operation: Wow
Salutations Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for the the 3 way battle against Army of Club Penguin and Blue Ravagers! We fought at Docks, Inside Mine, Studium and Iceberg. The leaders were Joe, Wynn, Maya and Rooboo! It was an amazing opportunity to practice speed and formations before the battle on Saturday! Thank you everyone for coming and thank you ACP and BR for an amazing event!
Max: 17+
[EU] Branch Battle – Team Water vs Team Fire vs Alpha vs Echo
Hello everyone! Today we logged onto CPR for another Branch Battle with ACP Divisions! Team Water, Team Fire, Alpha and Echo put up a great fight at Studium, Iceberg and Snow Forts! The battle was led by Joe, Wynn, Maya, Snowy, Nell and Rooboo. Thank you everyone for coming and thank you ACP for a great event!
Max: 29+
[INT] Finders Keepers event with ACP
Greetings Helpers! Today we logged into the CPR for a joint event with our Brother Allies – Army of Club Penguin! First we did some tactics at the Studium followed by an old style battle at Snow Forts! Then after doing some tactics together we moved to the Iceberg for a Valentine’s Day Trivia! Congratulations to all the winners, huge thanks to Wynn, Barnito, Joe and Jayden for organizing and even bigger thank you to you ACP! It was good to see you all there!
MAX: 32+
[EU] Practice Battle with IW
Heyo Helpers!
Today we logged into CPArmies for another practice battle against Ice Warriors. The Practice battle was on the Alsaka server within the rooms, Inside Mine, Iceberg & Docks. The Battle was led by our leaders Barnito and Hannah with a result of 3-0 win for the Ice Warriors.
Awesome work today helpers!!
Comment below for points!!!
[AUSIA] Practice Battle vs RPF
Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPArmies for a Practice Battle against the Rebel Penguin Federation. The Practice Battle took place on White House in rooms such as Snow Forts, Docks & Iceberg. The Battle was led by Barnito & Hannah and resulted in a 1-0 win for Rebels. Amazing Job Helpers!
Max: 60+
NAA Boots Defence – SUCCESS
Hi there Helpers! Last Sunday, The National Armies Alliance consisting of The Royal Family of CP, The Aliens of CPO and The Help Force Logged onto Slushy and successfully defended their territory, Boots from the Templars.
Together we won both, the Ice Berg and the Town! Here are some pictures that were taken during the battle :