Get to know the Help Force staff: AriaXenn

Hey everyone, it’s Solar here! How’s life going? Just not too long ago, I interviewed one of the newer members of the Help Force staff, AriaXenn, and this post will be all about it.

AriaXenn(Aria)’s been a Help Force mod for about a month now, but hasn’t participated in a lot of casual conversations, so you guys may not know her very well. Hopefully you’ll learn a lot more about her by reading this!

So without further ado, let’s jump right into the main topic!

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Interviews with HF Third-In-Commands: Thoughts on Recruitment and HF

Hello everyone! It’s Solar here 😀 ! Remember mine and Jayden’s last post? The one about Help Force recruitment and why you should join?

Well, this post will be an extension of that discussion. I’ve shared a lot of my thoughts on this subject already, so I felt that my fellow Help Force members should also have a say. And who better than the Help Force third-in-commands – Bestpenguin and CrystalJenny to ask? They’ve never been interviewed before and they haven’t gotten nearly as much spotlight as our beloved Help Force leaders. So, without further ado, let’s jump straight to the interviews!
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