Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this week’s recipe, I decided to interview a HF Dynasty member whos been in the army since 2020, HF Sergeant: Samchilles!

I started off by asking Sam some questions about the recipe that he decided to share with us today!

Welcome Sam to our recipe series interview today! Can you tell us what recipe you will telling us about?

Sam: Today, I will tell u one of the dish I frequently cook here in US. The dish is potato frankie!

Can you tell us why this recipe is important to you and is there any history or story behind it?

Sam: It’s a popular street food in India. I had it first when I was a kid and it was a love at first sight. I started liking it even more now because since I have moved to US for higher studies, I have to cook on my own. And, this dish is easy to cook, it doesn’t take a lot of time to make it and it tastes delicious!

And now for the moment you all been waiting for if you read up until now… the recipe to this delicious food by Sam!

  • First you have to cook potato vegetable.
  • Considering quantity for 5 people, boil 3 or 4 potatos in cooker. Once they are cooked, cut them in small pieces.
  • Simultaneously, in a pan, add some oil, then cut 4 small chillies and add it in pan as well. Add a pinch of hing (asafoetida) in the pan. Chop coriander ad add to the pan.
  • Now, add half table spoon turmeric to the pan. Mix the mixture well.
  • Now, add the cut potatoes to the pan. Mix them until all of them become yellow.
  • Cover the pan and let it cook for 5 mins on medium flame.
  • After 5 mins, open the cover and add half spoon salt in it and mix well. Now the potato vegetable is ready.
  • Take roti and apply ketchup, mayo and other spreads that u like.
  • Spread potato vegetable on roti, and chop some onions (and capcisum if you like) and sprinkle over the roti.
  • Shread some cheese over the roti.
  • A variant of frankie also has noodles in this step, but it’s optional.
  • Now, make a roll and enjoyyy the frankie!

Do you have any tips or tricks on making it or why people may like this recipe, or any memories from it?

Sam: Can try adding noodles which are optional as well. Instead of potato as stuffing, you acn also add paneer or chicken. Memories…like I said, it’s a saviour for me as an international student in US and as someone who has stepped out away from home for the first time!

Thank you Samchilles for sharing this delicious recipe that everyone should go make right now! And with that, we’ve reached the end of the post. I know you wanted to read more XD but I will be back next time with more fresh and delicious content. If anyone would like to share a recipe with us, DM me with your ideas!

Bon Appetit! <3

Keep Unleashing the Power Of Helping!


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