Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this week’s recipe, I decided to do a interview with our lovely HF Commodore: Ender!

Food for Every Soul » The Help Force

I started off by asking Ender some questions about the recipe that they decided to share with us today!

Welcome to our recipe series interview this week Ender! Can you tell us what recipe you will talking about today? 

Ender: This recipe is called heavenly mud! It’s like a chocolate mousse, I suppose, and despite what it’s name implies it is SO GOOD you can wake me up at 4am if you have some <3

BTW I did not tell Ender to do this interview this late. Can you tell us why this recipe is important to you is there any history or story behind it?

Ender: Its honestly become a family tradition that every year for Christmas someone takes the old yellowed crumpled up piece of paper with the recipe home and makes it for the family Christmas dinner. It isnit a family recipe per se but i think ours is slightly different then how its normally made. (Note: I cannot get ahold of the family recipe atm so this is one i found on the internet instead :3)

And now the steps to this recipe Ender shared with us at 4am that I didnt make them do…

So for 6 people you need:

» 150g of pure chocolate

» 200g of fresh whipped cream

» 30g of UNSALTED butter

» 2 medium sized eggs

» And 60 grams of white caster sugar

So break the chocolate in pieces, and put the chocolate, 2 tablespoons of whipped cream and the butter in a bowl and put the bowl on a pan of boiling water without the bowl touching the water


  1. Anyways melt the chocolate this way and then let it cool for around 10 mins
  2. While its cooling, split the yolks from the eggwhites and beat the eggs with 1/3d of the sugar untill it forms shiny stiff peaks
  3. Then take the remaining whipped cream and mix it with 1/3d of the sugar untill that also makes a stiff mixture
  4. Then take ANOTHER bowl and mix the eggyolks with the remaining sugar with a whisk after which you have to mix it with the molten (now cooled) chocolate.
  5. Then fold the whipped cream trough the chocolate (don’t mix it normally cuz then you’ll lose all the air in the whipped cream) and then finally fold in the egg whites bit by bit. And then just divide it over whatever container you want, and let it stiffen up in the fridge for AT LEAST an hour!
  6. And then it’s ready to dig in

Do you have any tips or tricks on making it or why people may like this recipe, or any memories from it?

Ender: Make sure you have enough bowls beforehand. Like genuinely you need a LOT of bowls. Also it does contain raw egg so be careful with that with kids and pregnant people. And when I say fold the mixture in ( mean it, don’t stir it cuz it WILL lose all the air and the texture wont be nice. If you don’t know how to fold in stuff pls Google it cuz i cant explain it in words I fear >_< anywho it is so good and has been the highlight of my Christmas every single year for as long as I can remember

This sounds like an amazing recipe to have! Thank you Ender for sharing! Do you have anything you would like to tell the audience before we end this interview?

Ender: Guys maya held me hostage at 2am to write this pls send donations i am traumatized

Maya: I- wooowww, blame it on me for being nice

Ender: Listen maya you have to keep the readers entertained, a few lies and some clickbait always work :prayge:

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