Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this week’s recipe, I decided to interview one of our newer staff members: HF Brigadier: Sal!

I started off by asking Sal some questions about the recipe that he decided to share with us today!

Welcome Sal to our recipe series interview! Can you tell us what recipe you will talking about today?

Sal: Today I will be talking about the Sacred recipe of Crispy chicken wings with a side of fries which is a Delicious combo for everyone!

This sounds like an amazing recipe to be eating, can you tell us why this recipe is important to you, is it a family recipe, and is there any history or story behind it?
Sal: I discovered this recipe when my mother had fallen sick and I was hungry so I made some food myself and decided to make some chicken wings with fries. I started cooking since then.

But here comes the best part, the recipe! (As explained by Sal!)


» Chicken wings: Choose meaty chicken wings as they will hold onto the batter better. I like to use a mix of wingettes and drumettes.

» Spices: The spices I use for my recipe are paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and dried parsley.

» Salt: To taste simply good in my opinion

» Oil: I typically use vegetable oil, but any oil with a high smoke point works.
» Cornstarch and flour: Mixed with flour, cornstarch makes the coating on the chicken wings crispier so its more tasty
» Baking powder: A small amount of baking powder added to the flour mixture helps draw out excess moisture and leaves the chicken wings extra crispy for taste ofc
Step 1- Prep. This step is very important so don’t miss it. Pat dry the chicken wings. Make the dry mixture by combining all spices with flour, cornstarch, baking powder, and salt. Toss the wings in the flour mixture until they are fully coated, and shake off the excess. This will ensure the best Crispy Wings
Step2- Deep fry. Heat oil in a deep frying pan. Start frying the flour-coated wings in small batches when the oil temperature reaches at least 350F degrees. Fry the chicken wings for 10 minutes or until they are golden brown on all sides. Do NOT pull them out before they are golden brown!

Do you have any tips or tricks on making it or why people may like this recipe, or any memories from it?

Sal: Well tips are to make sure you use cornstarch and a good oil otherwise it won’t be made properly nor be crispy. People may like this Recipe due it’s crispiness and Taste which is a prime factor in making Food so I’m proud for anyone who likes it. I have tons of memories with this recipe and is now used on a weekly bases!

Thank you Sal for sharing this recipe, do you have anything you would like to add before we finish?

Sal: Nothing much but make sure to take care of this recipe!

With that, we’ve reached the end of the post. I know you wanted to read more XD but I will be back next time with more fresh and delicious content. If anyone would like to share a recipe with us, DM me with your ideas!

Bon Appetit! <3

Keep Unleashing the Power Of Helping!


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