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Get To Know Your Staff – GeoIonut

Hello guys! YES I am back with another interview just for you!! This is the blog where I interview the amazing staff of our server so we can know more about them! This week I interviewed GeoIonut, a current staff member with the General rank.. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s all welcome him!

Hey Geo! How are you doing today?

Hey! I’m fine, little tired but it’s ok… you?

I’m alr thanks… So how about you start us off by telling how and when did you join the server?

Good Question… Liqeor told me about this server and asked me if I want to join 😅 that’s when I found out about the Club Penguins Games… I joined on November 2023.

Oh interesting… Did you have any first impressions on the server when you joined?

Yea I did! I loved how nice people in the server can be…

So do you have any favorite moments in the Help Force?

One of my favorite moments is when Help Force became the Legends Cup Champion… Also one of the favorites moments is my first VC LEAD or when I became a JS or Staff

Amazingg…! Whom do you consider your closest friends in the Community?

It has to be our Ex-Commander Nell… and Aleks.

Oh that’s nice… Has there been any theme week so far which you consider as a favorite?

Definitely ROMANIAN WEEK, why? Because I helped with creating this fun week

Yeah that was amazing! So if you had the chance to change something in HF what would it be?

I would change a lot to be honest but to say now, maybe more night parties on voice but I would change a lot

Sounds interesting! Alright now besides HF do you have any hobbies or interests?

Yea I love to go to the gym, also love video games

Oo nicee. So what is your dream job? And why?

Dream job ? Idk I will rely on the money that I will earn as a future construction engineer to invest and I will do everything possible so that my family does not feel the worry of tomorrow

Now if you had 2 tickets to go to your favorite sports match/concert who would you take there with you?

Oh that’s easy… My sister because she’s the best

Oo amazing!! Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist… Jk 🙂 Idk for sure I want to succeed in life, to support my parents as they have to work more, I see myself as an engineer with a good salary and maybe some money from investments

Before we end… Do you wanna share anything to the readers?

Work for your dreams and pray to God. And also with great power comes great responsibility
Thank you Geo!

That’s it for today folks! I hope you enjoyed reading today’s blog! Remember to leave a like if you enjoyed reading or BEASTO will send y’all to the mines!! Now I’m gonna go and annoy someone else… Until then take care! Signing out for now, I’ll see you guys next week!

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