On Sunday, we logged on for a duck event. The ducks posed a great risk, almost as dangerous as the cats. Luckily, we managed to survive, and we got some great pictures of our journey. Comment below if you attended!
Today we logged onto Battleground – Stadium for our cat event, because the cats took over Help Force and we had to fight them to win it back. It took all of our tuna, but we did it. Thank you Zenishira for leading. Great job today, Helpers!
Max: 17+
Comment below if you attended!
Hello Waldo! Today we logged onto CPABattleground dressed as Waldo! We had fun running the island and doing tactics and emotes about finding Wally! Afterward, we played Find Wally! Hope everyone enjoyed the event and thank you to the leaders!
Max: 15
Food for Every Soul
Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this one, I decided to interview one of our HF Blue Berets: Chikn!
Hello Artist! Today we logged onto CPABattleground dressed as some penguin Artist! We had fun running the island and doing tactics and emotes about our starvation being in HF! Afterwards, we played Skribbl to show our real art skills! Hope everyone enjoyed the event and showing off your artist skils!