Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground to have our Biker themed event! Everyone one got dressed up and rode their bikes through the island revving hard! Huge thanks to all who attended, till the next one!

Max: 22+

Comment below if you attended!!

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Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this one, I decided to interview a formal og member and staff member, her dedication, friendship and always being considerate, our HF Corporal: Traffic! 

Food for Every Soul » The Help Force

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Hello Business Men and Women! Today we logged onto CPAB for a fun Business event! We dressed up as some and ran around the island doing tactics and emotes. Thank you to the staff and troops for making it happen and hope you had a fun time!

Max: 22+

Comment below if you attended!


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Hello Minions! Today we logged onto CPAB for a fun Minions event! We dressed up as some and ran around the island doing tactics and emotes. Thank you to the staff and troops for making it happen and hope you had a fun time!

Max: 24+

Comment below if you attended!


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Origin of the Name: Vedant

ZIPLINE, Help Force Headquarters- In an online community like ours, names are quite an important aspect of anyone’s profile. They are the first impression of an individual. Help Force staff members are the representatives of the army, and the impression they make is extremely important. In this fourth edition of this post, we will be delving into the story behind the names of one of our amazing dynasty members.

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The HF Beacon

ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

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Why Should We Coup Our Commanders

Desireus and Rooboo are the commanders of our glorious and gracious motherland. While they may seem like good leaders at first glance, their crimes against the troops and the staff outweigh their positives. Here is why we must coup them.

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Help Force Daily: March to Victory!

Hello Helpers! As you all know we have reached the Finals in the March Madness tournament, and as we march closer to the grand battle day against the Rebel Penguin Federation, let us look at how the Helpers have been preparing themselves for the battle.

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