With each passing day, the Help Force witnesses the arrival of new troops, the departure of old ones, the promotions and demotions of staff members, daily events, and all of that just to name a few. With wars and practice battles, tournaments and contests always lurking around the corner, the task of recording these events in the history books and producing entertaining content to satisfy the community falls upon the blogger team. But what is blogging, and why should you be a part of the team?
The HF Beacon
ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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Zipline Comics – Racoco Bomb
[AUSIA] Welcome To The Mines + SWATSquash!
ZIPLINE, Help Force Capital – Greetings Comrades! On 9th October, 2022, we logged on for a unique event that occurred for the first time in Help Force history. Today, we hosted an event exclusively to welcome the newly inducted batch of Junior Staff! The event plans got disrupted midway through when a SWAT guy accidentally walked into the room. Needless to say, the troop was dealt with in an appropriate fashion and the event turned out to be lots of fun for everyone!
MAX: 17+
Comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended!

Every army that HF declares war on be like:
Hello Helpers! Today we logged on to CPAB for a practice battle against the Ice Warriors! As the spooky season is upon us, we decided to all dress up as Monsters to get into the spirit! Thank you to Yoda for leading the Snowforts and thank you to IW for joining us!
Max: 18+
Comment below if you attended!
Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground to have our very interesting dragon event. Everyone somehow became dragons and did various tactics through several rooms! Huge thanks to Zenishira and Winter Storm for leading through the event. Till the next one!
Max: 23+
Comment below if you attended!
Salutation Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground to participate in the one and only 12th installment of the Legends Cup. This year, we we’re matched up against our brother allies the Army of Club Penguin! Through a tough and tiring battle, our allies managed to take the win this time, thus advancing to the next round. Although we won’t be journeying for a trophy this year round, we’d like to congratulate the ACP and wishing them all the best in the upcoming rounds. Huge thanks to the Helpers attending and the Staff team for their efforts! This isn’t the end as the future awaits for more!
Max: 32+
Comment below if you attended!
The HF Beacon
ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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Hello there Helpers! Today we logged on to CPAB for a practice battle against the Ice Warriors! This was a fantastic opportunity to train more for the upcoming Legends Cup battles. Thank you to Desireus for leading and thank you to IW for putting up a great fight!
Max: 25+
Comment below if you attended!