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“Six Feet” Under: A Tale of Threats, Hypocrisy, and Feet-ishes

Addressed to the community,

(courtesy of the CPAH boys. had to use this website since it appears you don’t read prosect)

In another case of CPAH allegations and backhanded statements, we see SWAT leader Conor under the spotlight. It’s come to our attention that feet boy likes to run his mouth about things he knows even less about than sucking on a woman’s toes. Below are provided conversations where he can be seen accusing LuciferStar of “running” away from the infamous CPAH incident, when in reality the entire community had been made aware of what went down.

This is not the first time something like this has happened. In November 2021, he published a post on CP Army Headquarters with the same ideas. Now, it’s unclear whether this comes from a perspective of bias against CPAH or something else, but if you don’t know about shit, do not talk about it.(https://cparmyhq.com/2021/11/29/that-time-when-club-penguin-army-hub-closed-down/)

We made it known to the community in March 2021 through a Prosect post (https://prosectx.wordpress.com/2021/03/06/you-were-lied-to/) about what went down. Either you are willfully ignorant about it, biased, or both. So I think it’s only fair that we show the entire community a compilation of what you’ve been up to in all of your CPA years. Please sit back and enjoy.

The past is never dead. It’s not even past.

Due to privacy reasons, the name of the receiver has been blurred

Slightly worse than your foot fetish is your stance on pedophilia. Not only have you supported pedophiles publicly, you have never tried to correct yourself. Recently, you’ve accused 32op, Zamb, and Vanish of making fun of Maroon, who’s known for being a creep and a pedophile. Your claims were that it’s not “right to use anyone’s face for mockery.” It’s an admirable stance, but only if you maintained this with all creeps, even those you associate with. How do you pretend to have a moral high ground as you publicly supported your perverted friends?

We’ve noticed you mention the word “doxxing” a lot lately. In your post, you hold your army hostage from participating in the league because of “doxxing” allegations and “unprofessionalism”. We believe you’re doing the community a favor and protecting us from you, seeing as your situation with Kristina and Otter was swept under the rug.

Underground Mafias covered this incident in a separate post which you can read here: https://umaofcp.com/2021/02/12/no-regrets/






Sweater/Conor = Disabled Account


Wait hold up, there’s a quote that works here, “I personally don’t feel comfortable partaking in a league that is partly run by people who have no regard for a person’s privacy”. I see SWAT has no problem doing that with you. So you make up for your lack of organization roles with roles of a hypocrite, doxxer to name a few.

For a person so obsessed with justice, the evidence shown implies otherwise. Though your love for justice is dubious, your love for feet and other strange kinks isn’t.

There’s not much to conclude with. Whatever was mentioned above speaks for itself. You have no room to talk about “professionalism” when you accuse people falsely and then cry when they retaliate. You were kicked out of media fairly, yet you continue to cling onto your righteous persona like a cockroach. We hope the new organization treats you as the pest you are. If you’re so adamant on crawling somewhere, we recommend sticking to feet, but it’s only a matter of time before someone steps on the bug.

Actually, there is a conclusion here. I end this post with a glimmer of hope, the hope that stems from your own words.

We shall be expecting your ban, but then again, you never fail to disappoint us.

Justice delivered by your favorite group of ragtag CPA crime fighting frat boys and high schoolers.

One Response

  1. […] own post on the Help Force website filled with accusations aimed towards Sweater. You can read it here. The relevancy of some of Ayan’s accusations has been called into question, and many view the […]

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