Congrats to Runa on earning her first Gamer of the Week! Well done Runa!
GoTW #171
[AUS] Winter Awards Gala
Greetings, Helpers. On February 27th, 2022, the Help Force logged on to our capital Zipline for a Gala party! Most people showed up in their fanciest outfits… while some others decided to go for something more creative and unique. While the penguins certainly looked quite aesthetic, the main attraction of the event was the unveiling of the Golden Helpers award winners for the year 2022! A huge congratulations to the winners, you can find the details of the award in this post. This event also saw Wet Water, Ally, and Archana inducted into our Hall of Fame as Power Troops. A huge congratulations to the trio! Thank you to Wynn, Snowy and Scorp for leading.
MAX: 46+
Comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended!
HF’s Golden Helpers Award — 2021
The title of “Golden Helpers” is arguably one of the greatest honours a person can achieve in the Help Force. Being a Golden Helper means that you have influenced the community throughout the year. Through a vigorous voting procedure that includes both the ‘HF 13’ points sessions, we could narrow our list down to the top 5 nominees this year. With around eighty submissions in total, many notable people didn’t make it to the award list. Be it the staff effort by dignitaries like Desireus, Joe, Snowflake, Mandal and Rooboo or extensive GoTW win streaks by troops like Walver, and several other extreme recruiters, these achievements throughout the year have shaped the army to reach new highs.
Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a huge puffles takeover! Before we moved to have fun in other rooms, we did some tactics at Town. Thank you for leading Diwix, RU, Alex, Yoda and Plotter!
MAX: 39+
Comment below if you attended the event!
Hey there Helpers! Today we logged onto CPRewritten for our Pile ‘Em Up event, where we dressed as puffle caretakers. Thank you Alex, Yoda, and Eshal for leading, great job today Helpers!
Max: 24+
Comment below on the post if you attended!
Faces of the Force – Awesomeinvader
Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! This week’s face is the amazing Awesomeinvader, or Choco.
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Hey there Helpers! Today we logged onto CPRewritten for our puffle-themed event, where we transformed into puffles and explored the island. Thank you Maya, Joe, and Nervous for leading. Great job today Helpers!
Max: 19+
Comment below on the post if you attended!
Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto Zipline of Club Penguin Rewritten to have our Pizza-themed event! Everyone got into their aprons as we flipped pizzas and cheesy tactics through Town, Iceberg and lastly Cove! Huge thanks to Scorp, Snowflake and Desireus for leading in today’s event! Thank you to all who attended, till next time!
Max: 25+
Comment below on the post if you attended!
Help Force BeaCon
ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
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Hello hello Helpers, this fine day we all joined up together for some igloo raids and stamp earning! big thanks to everyone that came today and thank you Wynn and Scorp for leading today.