The HF Beacon


ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon! After the third birthday of our army, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

Table of Contents

  • Daily HF Update
  • Random Facts
  • Helpers Book Club
  • Game Corner
    – Word Search
    – Unscramble
    – HF Trivia
  • Art & Meme of the Day
  • Question of the Day

Daily HF Update

  • Happy Birthday, HF! On Saturday we celebrated the third anniversary of our army. Here’s to three more years! :AMblobparty:
  • March Madness! Get ready for March Madness 2021, coming soon to an army near you. :marchmadness:

Random Facts

  1. DID YOU KNOW, The majority of life on Earth is aquatic.
  2. DID YOU KNOW, The world’s longest mountain chain is underwater.
  3. DID YOU KNOW, Less than five per cent of the planet’s oceans have been explored.
  4. DID YOU KNOW, There are more historic artefacts under the sea than in all of the world’s museums.
  5. DID YOU KNOW, It’s possible to find rivers and lakes beneath the ocean.
  6. DID YOU KNOW, The sun gives the ocean its blue tint.
  7. DID YOU KNOW, Most volcanic eruptions happen beneath the surface of the ocean.

Helpers Book Club

Nothing without an amazing story section. Make sure to read this engrossing corner of the HF Beacon, and let us know if you want to write stories in the upcoming editions!

Birthday Party Adventures

— Sommer, HF General

It was a stormy night on Club Penguin. Lightning and thunder was all you could hear. All the penguins of the island were getting wet and it was difficult to move from place to place. The power had gone away. The wonderful and amazing army of the Help Force was celebrating 3 years. The Help Force was giving free Help Force merchandise umbrellas to the fellow penguins as a gift since it was raining.

Since the party was cancelled due to the inclement weather, a lovely Help Force member named Norman decided to have a bingo night at the ski lodge. Norman had gathered the game equipment, candles for lighting, and of course all the penguins. Snacks were provided by Snowy, since she bakes the best cookies. Norman was one of the best members of The Help Force since he participated and helped with special events.

After the bingo game, everyone was telling scary stories which frightened most of the penguins. It had stopped raining, and everyone had a blast. There was a beautiful Rainbow on the island and everyone had flopped outside to see. Everyone Screamed “HAPPY BIRTHDAY HELP FORCE” and ate the best cake made by Snowy.

The End.

Game Corner

Games in the HF Beacon??? This section features three amazing games and puzzles for you to think and play. Keep your answers ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions.

Word Search

.find the words listed in the picture below.


.given below are jumbled words related to the Help Force. unscramble them and win prizes.

(answer to the previous edition’s unscrambled: Plaza, Snowball, Salute, Major, Tactic)






HF Trivia

.find the answers to the questions given below.

(answers to the previous edition’s trivia: Ayan, January, Snoopy)

1. Who is our newest Commander?

2. Which tournament is ongoing CPAQH?

3. What day is celebrated every 15th of the month?

Art & Meme of the Day

Skimming through the amazing art-memes channel in our discord, we’ve chosen the best ones for the day! Make sure to submit your content in #art-memes if you want to get featured in the Help Force Beacon!

By _Tybpxbzn_#1747

By alex1904#7132

Question of The Day

Coffee or Tea? Pineapple on a Pizza? No definite answers for the QOTD! Keep your answer ready, and make sure to check the bottom-most section of the newspaper for knowing the procedure of submissions. The best answer will be featured in the next edition!

Would you rather own a hairless cat or a chihuahua?

DM Jayden.#0951 on Discord the answers to the Word Search (highlight the words and take a screenshot), Unscrambled Words, HF Trivia, and the Question of the Day to win Sapphires :HFSapphire:!

And that’s a wrap for today fellas! See you in the next edition of the Help Force Beacon. Make sure to like & comment on your opinions about the weekly newspaper.

Help Force Beacon Team

(Barnito, Jayden, Joe, Snowflaxe, Sommer)

One Response

  1. Unscramble words
    Hf trivia
    I only know these 2

Your Answer (no email required)