Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[14/03 – 20/03]

Welcome everyone to yet another edition of Weekly Reflection! This week was all about preparation for the incoming March Madness Tournament, with lots of training and recruiting. We all feel ready for the battle on Sunday and let’s keep improving next week!

Max Averages

AUSIA: 40[5↑]
EU: 32[9↓]
INT: 36 [-]
Main Event Max: 32[21↓]

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged on to CPRewritten for some battle training! We did fun tactics, emotes, and beautiful formations! The Event was led by Slush, Skillz, Ru and Joe! Amazing Job today helpers! See you all at the battle! 

MAX: 40+

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Nap Segment Insights

Welcome back to Nap Segment Insights, a weekly series dedicated to everyone’s favorite type of seg: napping!

If you’ve been following this series (of course you have), you’ll know that two weeks ago Maya and Wynn broke me out of HF prison. I was there because I didn’t want to starve, and apparently in HF that’s a crime. Cool. I might’ve been breaking and entering, too, but honestly there’s so many rules. How am I supposed to know them all? They can’t all matter, right? That’d be crazy.

(Just to be clear here, I’m not suggesting that you break the snack rules in HF. I am encouraging you to break them.

Currently we’re living on the road like a couple of wild pigeons, if the road was underwater and the pigeons were government spies at their headquarters in the Bermuda Triangle, exactly 16,800 pina coladas below sea level. You didn’t hear that from me, by the way.

We’ve been on the run for a little while now, but no staff have tried to catch us yet. Our theory is that the uno game that started three weeks ago is still going on. They could just end the game and go after us, but death before dishonor and all that.

I kept a log for the first two weeks of our escape. Why for only the first two weeks, you may ask? Well, the answer is that I left the notebook at a random gas station in Canada and no one felt like going back for it. You can read the important parts of the log below:

Log, Day 1: Cookies are being rationed out. Theoretically they could last a week, maybe two, but I believe I may lack self-restraint.

Log, Day 2: Morale is high. We had the foresight to steal a bag of stamps on the way out and plan to sell them on the black market. Cookie rations are lowering.

Log, Day 5: Apparently stamps aren’t one of the things sold on the black market.

Log, Day 6: Today we jumped into the back of a train. No idea where we’re going. I think there’s a puffle following us around.

Log, Day 7: The train took us to another train station, We boarded another train and the same thing happened. Our plan is to keep stowing away on trains. There’s definitely a puffle following us.

Log, Day 10: At a different train station now. Lots of people. Cookies are running out. We may need to sneak back into the staff lounge for supplies.

Log, Day 11: Maya is down to her last three lollipops. This is the lowest we’ve been at. I’m beginning to wonder if we’re going to starve.

Log, Day 13: Nothing important has been happening, other than us deciding to go back to HF and quietly pretend like nothing happened.

Log, Day 14: We’re out of cookies. I don’t know where to go from here. We’re stopping at a gas station. Must remember not to leave notebook behind.

Quite the adventure, eh? We’re still debating whether or not to go back to HF, but maybe we could twist things in our favor. How would you feel about replacing the current staff team with cookie vending machines?
That’s all for this week’s insight. Curious about anything nap or snack related? Comment below and I’ll write all about it! Until next week, comrades.


[EU] Practice Battle vs Water Vikings

Hi Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR Ascent for a practice battle against Water Vikings! The event was lead by Admiral Jayden, Admiral Joe and Commander Barnito! The rooms used were Stadium, Docks and Iceberg! Our tactics formations and bombs were done perfectly and in synchronization. Well done amazing helpers!

Max: 32+ 

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GoTW #121

Really happy to announce that our dear Lydi won her second Gamer of The Week title! Amazing job, Lyd! She’s always around to give a helping hand and she’s now part of the Junior Staff team as well as our Designer Club! Congratulations and good luck with all your plans! :luv:

GoTW #120

Howdy, Helpers! We’re congratulating Volcano today for her amazing achievements and for winning her second Gamer of The Week award! She demonstrated that there’s no obstacle in stopping her from recruiting! Amazing job! Can’t wait to see her as GoTW Specialist! 🌟


GoTW #119

Heartiest congratulations to Lydia or Li-dee who managed to grab the Gamer of The Week award pretty fast! After less than 2 months of joining the Help Force family, she got the hang of recruiting and attending events! She became one of our finest recruiters and a part of the designing team! Keep it up and good luck! ❤️

GoTW #118

We’re really happy to congratulate Jeff Ha for winning his first Gamer of The Week award! He was active the whole week, recruiting and attending events so he’s truly a legend in the making! Keep it up, bud and best of luck in the future!

GoTW #117

Kudos to one of our most active members, Volcano for winning her first Gamer of The Week title! A good friend to chat with and a great recruiter in the making, she’s always around and active! Keep it up and best of luck! 🍀

HF Patrons of Patreon: Rooboo

Welcome one and all to a brand new mini-series! Here I will be bringing interviews with the amazing donators of the Help Force Patreon Page! These people have donated some amount of their own money towards helping the HF community by funding its projects!
So, without further ado may I present my first fabulous guest and interviewee HF Marshal Rooboo!!

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