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Hannah’s Retirement

eLLO Helpers, on Sunday 11th October I will be officially retiring from my leadership position in Help Force.

Hannah’s Raccoon Retirement Event

The reason for this is because of my exams and studies that I need to focus on. I first joined Help Force back in May of 2019 where it took me quite some time to be an active troop. After the Exodus I stuck with Help Force on the journey of moving to a different CPPS even though it meant my CPO account getting banned. There was then a week where I went to every recruitment segment, hoping to get GoTW, but Staff Applications where also open so I was chosen for Trial Moderator and lost out on GoTW. Big RIP >:( I became a member of Staff in Help Force on the 10th of January 2020 exactly 10 months ago from today, I then left during the coup in early February because I was confused and I didn’t know what to do. But I ended up joining back just like everyone does, because I genuinely missed the community and warmth of Help Force along with the friends I made. I went on to become Marshal and then Admiral and these months were probably my favourite during my time in Help Force. Simply because it was when the Legends Cup X took place and so many other events that made me very proud to be in Help Force. Then Tistle retired and I was told I would be leading Help Force alongside Barn and honestly I was quite literally gobsmacked. Like if you genuinely told me back in 2019 that I would end up being a leader of Help Force, I would’ve laughed at you for like an hour straight and then blocked you💀 Becoming a leader of Help Force is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me since never in a millions years did I ever think I would get this far. I’ve laughed so so much during my time in Help Force and all the memories I’ve made I will certainly not ever forget, from my Koalas and Raccoons to the Hannah Montana theme tune.
I want to thank everyone in Help Force for making it what it is, whether you’re Staff or even a Helper, you make the biggest difference and you can do anything and everything.
Also, Good Luck Barn and I can’t wait to see what heights you take Help Force to.
Thank you Kendall, Tistle, Ayan & Elp for teaching me everything I know 🙂

2 Responses

  1. LOVE YOU HANNAH SAVANNAH <3 Miss u already :((((((((((

  2. hotgirlsforever

    Edit: mfs stop retiring, anyone who retires now.. just don’t..

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