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Faces Of The Force – Penelopea

Hey Helpers, welcome to today’s post which is yet another face of the force, but with a different host! As you may have noticed, The Help Force has not celebrated our active troops via Faces Of The Force for quite some time, so i have volunteered to continue the blog!

This week’s face of the force, along with all the past ones and the ones yet to come is based off activity in the server alongside progress in ranks and the points leaderboard.

Penelopea is one of the newest additions to our army and she’s always near the top of the leadboard. She’s even the current GOTW!
You wont be surprised to see she has gotten Face Of The Force as she’s always active in the server. Here’s the interview i did with her:


So, first of all, what were your thoughts on Faces Of The Force and did you expect to get it?

I think it’s a really cool idea that gets people to interact more, and no not really lol

That must have been a lovely surprise then! What made you want to join The Help Force?

Yeah it was! You were recruiting one day and i decided to join, it seemed like a nice community so i thought why not.

It would have been much different if you didn’t join! You’re always seen contributing to The Help Force in many different ways, what is it about The Help Force that makes you want to devote your time to it?

Well, no pun intended but I like helping out, It’s a fun community and without it I wouldn’t have met the amazing friends I know today, like you.

I’m glad to you have met you too, Penelopea! Now, moving on to the topic of GOTW.
What do you think of the process?

hmm, I like how it makes people compete, it makes people more active but it is a bit much considering someone can put in nearly the same amount of time and effort but only 1 person gets GOTW, but I guess that’s just how it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Since you have experience in getting GOTW, what advice would you give to someone who aspires to become GOTW?

Don’t do it unless you want sleep deprivation.
Just kidding lmao, you should be as active as possible, attend recruitments which gets you points so you’re on top of the leaderboard and don’t stress if you don’t get it! You can always try next week!

LOL, let’s talk more about you!! What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like doing art and watching anime (total weeb ikr)

ooo i’d love to see your art, sometime! How would you describe yourself in the 3 words?

I guess i’d describe myself as a cute confused loner 😉

Well, Penelopea, we’ve reached the end of this interview about you! Is there anything you want to say to close it off?

Thank you Hannah for this awesome interview! Keep helping but also take time off to focus on yourself if you have too! Stay hydrated! And um .. love ya Komal ; ) and everyone in HF.

Remember to keep being active, attend recruitment segments and unleash the power of helping! That’s all from me.

~ Hannah

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