[AUSIA/EU/INT] Operation: Heist

Greetings Helpers! Today we logged on to CPRewritten for a marvelous event! We did loads of fun tactics, emotes and formations. The event was led by Nell, Slush and Ru! Fantastic job today helpers!

MAX: 53+ 

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged on to CPRewritten for some battle training! We did fun tactics, emotes, and beautiful formations! The Event was led by Slush, Skillz, Ru and Joe! Amazing Job today helpers! See you all at the battle! 

MAX: 40+

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[AUSIA/EU INT] Shamrock Training

Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for some battle training! We practiced formations and tactics at Iceberg, Stadium and Docks! Thank you for leading Ru, Joe and Snow! Great job everyone, keep it up and see you at the next battle training! March Madness is ours!

Max: 40+

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[AUSIA] Miner Takeover

Greetings Fam!! Today, we all gathered on Club Penguin Rewritten for a fabulous event i.e. [AUSIA] Miner Takeover. We all went digging and had so much fun. The helpers responded with enthusiasm and spontaneity to the very well leading by Amy and Ru. Everyone did superb tactics and formations as we went around at Town, Iceberg, and Docks.

Have a glance at it below and make sure to join our next event for more fun! 💙

MAX: 35+

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[EU] Branch Battle – Team Water vs Team Fire

Greeting everybody! Today we logged onto CPR for the first Branch Battle between Team Water and Team Fire! The event was a huge success! It took place in Inside Mine, Iceberg, Forest, Studium and Docks and both teams put up a strong fight but the winner can be only one! Congratulation Team Water on winning this time and thank you Nell, Joe, Jayden, Wynn, Maya, Ru, Chloe and Barnito for leading! Hope you had fun everyone and see you at the next battle!

Max: 36+

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Greetings everybody! We logged to CPR today to have some army training and play Find Four together! We did some tactics at Snow Forts, Docks and finally Iceberg. Thanks to Ru, Rainbow and Slush for leading!

MAX: 27+


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[INT] Army Training + Hide N Seek

Hey Helpers! today we logged onto CPR for some Army Training and a fun game of hide and seek! this fun event was lead by Ru, Wynn, and ROOBOO. Great job today helpers! and Thank you all for attending!

MAX 34+

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