Salutations Helpers!

Today, we all gathered on CPA – Battleground for the Winter Gala Awards. The event was led by the High Command team of Help Force, and the army was filled with excitement and joy. A big shoutout to all the members who participated and were nominated for awards, and congratulations to those who took home the win! Thank you to everyone who logged on and joined us to make this event truly unforgettable!

MAX: 37+

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Salutations, Help Force Helpers!!

Today, we logged on to CPABattleground, Stadium, for the Barbie Girl event. We did some forms and tactics led by the amazing Geo and VC led by the sweetheart Ru. Of course, the main star is our lovely commander Beasto for giving us a wonderful performance of the original and classic Barbie Girl by Aqua. Thanks to all the Helpers who logged on and attended the event!!

MAX: 24+

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Double Trouble: Lucifer and Panda

Hi helpers!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favorite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. Did you miss us? We know it’s been a while, the two lovely duo we’ve got for you today also happened to be the busiest people ever. But it’s totally worth it, helpers, say hi to Lucifer and Panda!

Double Trouble

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Hello Helpers! Last week I hosted an amazing Halloween Fashion Contest and here are the Results for each Theme! Everyone’s outfit was wonderful and well thought out but unfortunately, we can have only 1 winner for each theme SO what are we waiting for? Look Below for the Result!! Continue reading

Pride Month ’23

I hope you’ve all been having a pleasant Pride Month! Whether you identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community or not, Help Force is open and welcoming to all kinds of people, except for those who wear shoes. And visitors. And Fahrenheit users. And Apple users. And those who like strawberries. And—

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