We’re congratulating Walver for winning his 2nd Gamer of the Week title <3 After a few months, he received his second GoTW Title and he’s now ready to enter the competition and get his Gamer of the Week Specialist medal! Way to go, Wolfy!
We’re congratulating Walver for winning his 2nd Gamer of the Week title <3 After a few months, he received his second GoTW Title and he’s now ready to enter the competition and get his Gamer of the Week Specialist medal! Way to go, Wolfy!
We congratulate one of our dearest members, a young wolf who never gives up, not even when his internet isn’t working very well, our Walver! He recently won his 3rd Gamer of the Week award which also makes him a Gamer of the Week Specialist! ๐ We couldn’t be happier for him <3 Apart from his gambling addiction, Walver has always been friendly and eager to help people ๐ Good luck on your path as Junior Staff, Wolfy! P.S. waffles>>pancakes
Congratulations to Archana for winning this week’s Gamer of The Week title! Archana is a very dedicated HF Troop and it’s so amazing to see her get the GoTW role! She’s a sweetie and always friendly with everyone! Archana got active quickly and now we couldn’t imagine HF without her <3 Just a matter of time till you get your hands on the shiny GoTW Specialist role. Looking forward to it! All the best Archana!
What is that I hear? A new Gamer of the Week Specialist? :O
Everyone may know him as Sammy Chillies- I mean Sam Chilles and he is a hell of a recruiter. You will see him in chat, attending almost every event, participating in games because Sapphires, duh, or just discussing the latest cricket game. xD
Congratulations, Sammy! You definitely rock >:) Good luck on your path as Junior Staff and see you at the battle on Saturday!
Here we go again and this week we congratulate Master Yoda for winning his, not first… but SECOND Gamer of the Week title! Now, ain’t that amazing ๐ Yoda isn’t just a dedicated troop, he is also part of the Junior Staff team, loves to lead in events and is an amazing recruiter! He is polite and friendly and I am certain he will get the GoTW Specialist title in no time! Best of luck, Yoda!