[EU] Branch Battle – Team Water vs Team Fire

Greeting everybody! Today we logged onto CPR for the first Branch Battle between Team Water and Team Fire! The event was a huge success! It took place in Inside Mine, Iceberg, Forest, Studium and Docks and both teams put up a strong fight but the winner can be only one! Congratulation Team Water on winning this time and thank you Nell, Joe, Jayden, Wynn, Maya, Ru, Chloe and Barnito for leading! Hope you had fun everyone and see you at the next battle!

Max: 36+

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How Would You Help

Hey Helpers! Welcome to the newest edition of “How Would You Help”. A series dedicated to bringing you through the eyes of the HF Staff Team. Tricky questions are asked to our staff, whether it be about Recruiting, Events, or even CPRewritten. I ask questions that should hopefully give you a little insight on what the staff of HF do!

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