Hello Helpers! Today, we logged into CPAB Stadium for the Invasion of Ascent against our allies, the Army of CP. Thank you to GeoIonut, Aleksandr, Foxy, and Sal for leading the battle, and thank you to all attendees for coming to the battle!

MAX: 20+

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HF Winter Gala Awards – Voting Results

Unlike the event, in this post we will be showing the voting results and how did the numbers go for more juicy and spicy details!

made by Sal

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Around the HF World – Enderlemon

Hello Helpers and welcome to a brand new series in Help Force, Around the HF World, done by GeoIonut and Aleksandr. In this series, we want to know more about the countries from where people from HF are. For the next interview, we have our ex-marshal and member of the Dynasty of the Help Force: Enderlemon. Let’s learn about her country!

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Hello everyone! Today we logged on to CPJ for a Stamp Segment, we had fun, danced, and helped other people to get stamps too! Thank you, Diwix and Jo for leading the Event! Thank you to all the attendees for coming!

MAX: 35+

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Faces of the Force – autotheaurus

Hello Helpers!! Guess who is back with another blog! In this blog I interview some of the Troops of Help Force and get to know more about them!! He is a member of our help family since June 2024! He can always be seen around having a fun time on the chat and is ranking up to being a First Lieutenant! This week, we are introducing to the Faces of the Force, our very own Auto!!

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Hello Helpers! Last Sunday we logged on CPAB, Stadium for the Defense of Abracadabra against our allies Army of CP. Thank you BEASTO, Jo and Diwix for leading the battle. Thank you to all attendees for coming to the battle!

MAX: 17+

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The HF Beacon

Zipline, Beasto’s Studio— Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!

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How are you all doing? I hope you are all fine. On Friday, we gathered at CPAB dressed in mermaid outfits(to seek the little mermaid) and to practice our battle tactics to improve our battles. We did some nice mermaid tactics, and it was all led by Aleksandr and Foxy, whom we most gratefully thank so much. We also appreciate the company all the attending penguins provided.


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Around the HF World – Sal

Hello Helpers and welcome to a new post of the series Around the HF World, done by GeoIonut and Aleksandr. In this series, we want to know more about the countries from where people from HF are. For the second interview, we have our General of the Help Force: Sal. Let’s learn about his country!

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Double Trouble: Zenishira & Fera

Hi helpers!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favourite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. For this week, we brought to you the ex-staff duo of Zenishira and Fera (aka Ender), shortly put Zender!

Double Trouble

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