Today we logged onto CPAB for Army Training! Thank you to the staff and troops for making it happen and we had a great time training!
Max: 26+
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Today we logged onto CPAB for Army Training! Thank you to the staff and troops for making it happen and we had a great time training!
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Today we logged onto CPAB as Elsa, Anna, or Olaf to have a good and wonderful time! Thank you to the staff and troops for making it happen as an event on Club Penguin!
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Today we logged onto CPAB for Army Training! Thank you to the staff and troops for making it happen and we had a great time training!
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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground to have our Shrek-themed event! Everyone got dressed as Shrek as we go on whining about the crazy fairy tail characters invading our swamp! Huge thanks to everyone attending, till the next one!
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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground to have a practice battle against SWAT! It was a fun fight as we battled it out through Docks, Iceberg and finally Stadium. Huge thanks to everyone who attended, GGs to Swat and thanks for the battle!
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Welcome, Helpers and Dreamers! It’s The Witty Dreamer’s Handbook here. After an exciting New Year start, we have come up with a new blog column containing a bunch of exciting dreams. It is what you guys have been dreaming of people as part of the HF community.
Greetings Helpers! Today we logged onto CPABattleground to have our very interesting bulbhead event! Everyone become bulbheads as we did tactics through various rooms! We saw so much variety in bulbheads to the point where it felt like we were Power Rangers!!! Thanks to all who attended, more to come!
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Hello comrades and welcome to the Official Nominees of the HF De-lice-ious Awards!
Congratulations to all the people that were nominated, and keep reading to know how to vote!
Greetings Helpers! Today we logged on CPABattleground to have our fun Rick and Morty themed event! Everyone got dressed up as Rick and Morty themselves as they had a fun time through the island! Huge thanks to everyone who attended, till the next one!
Comment below if you attended!