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GoTW #142

Congratulations to Archana for winning this week’s Gamer of The Week title! Archana is a very dedicated HF Troop and it’s so amazing to see her get the GoTW role! She’s a sweetie and always friendly with everyone! Archana got active quickly and now we couldn’t imagine HF without her <3 Just a matter of time till you get your hands on the shiny GoTW Specialist role. Looking forward to it! All the best Archana!

GoTW #138

It’s already the second time we congratulate Sam Chilles for winning the Gamer of The Week title! Staying up all night and recruiting continuously are just normal things for Sammy boi. However, it was not an easy win, and Sam definitely knows what I’m talking about xD. He will be very mad if you ever spell his name wrong, but will lend you a helping hand anytime! Congratulations, Sam! Good luck on your Junior Staff path!

GoTW #137

You might know her as the Queen of WHOOP WHOOP-ing, or Monmonimonika the Marshal but today we congratulate Monika for winning her third Gamer of the Week title! She is one of the best recruiters out there, she will greet you every day in Spanish and will never say no to a party 😀 Make sure you tell her ‘Hola’ when you see her in chat! Felicitaciones Monika and best of luck for what’s to come!

GoTW #136

Hello Helpers! As the trend of the weekly GoTW switch continues, we see Plotter12 grabbing the title for the first time. A long overdue award, he has proven to be an extremely friendly, social, and active helper of the force. Will the switch continue this week or will we see Plotter retain his rank?

GoTW #135

Hello Helpers! Congratulations to Yoda (Drknessbtw) on his well deserved success. Grabbing his first Gamer of The Week title, he has proven to be an ambitious and courageous helper of the force. Who will be the next GoTW in this weekly switch chaos?