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GoTW #140

What is that I hear? A new Gamer of the Week Specialist? :O
Everyone may know him as Sammy Chillies- I mean Sam Chilles and he is a hell of a recruiter. You will see him in chat, attending almost every event, participating in games because Sapphires, duh, or just discussing the latest cricket game. xD
Congratulations, Sammy! You definitely rock >:) Good luck on your path as Junior Staff and see you at the battle on Saturday!

GoTW #138

It’s already the second time we congratulate Sam Chilles for winning the Gamer of The Week title! Staying up all night and recruiting continuously are just normal things for Sammy boi. However, it was not an easy win, and Sam definitely knows what I’m talking about xD. He will be very mad if you ever spell his name wrong, but will lend you a helping hand anytime! Congratulations, Sam! Good luck on your Junior Staff path!