Congratulations Aurum on your first Gamer of the Week! Well done, wonderful work and hopefully more to come from you! :DDD
GoTW #261
Congratulations Aleksandr on your fourth Gamer of the Week award! Wonderful work in your amazing dedication towards the army and its rise!
GoTW #260
Congratulations Pingoboiii on winning his first Gamer of the Week award! Well done and more to come from the #1 Pingo fan!
GoTW #257, #258 & #259
Congratulations Aleksandr for winning Gamer of the Week 3 times in a Row, therefore earning the GoTW Specialist title! Wonderful work Comrade, and many more to come!
GoTW #256
Congratulations Fraser (Tblue) on winning his Second Gamer of the Week! Salute comrade, keep it up and one more for Specialist!!! :DDD
GoTW #255
Congratulations Fraser (Tblue) on winning your first Gamer of the Week! Amazing job comrade, keep it up and go for the next one! WOOP
GoTW #254
Congratulations Archana for winning her third Gamer of the Week! Therefore, winning her GoTW Specialist Medal! Well done comrade.
GoTW #253
Congrats SonicEvanx for earning his second Gamer of the Week! Well done comrade, one more for GoTW Specialist!
GoTW #252
Congrats Devil for earning his second Gamer of the week! Amazing Job mate, until the next one!