Hello Helpers! Last Sunday, we logged onto Club Penguin Journey for our stamp hunting segment where we got to help our community by gaining some stamps that they originally didn’t have before! Thank you Thuanthaijo and Diwix for leading this stamp segment. Also thank you to everyone who came and attended.

MAX: 21+

Stamp Segment

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Hello everyone! Last Friday, we logged on CPA Battleground, Stadium for the LCXIV Victory Buffet Celebration event! We did some cool new formations and had some fun with tactics. Thank you for the Help Force Staff team for leading the event! And thank you for all the attendees who came!

Max: 34+

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Hello everyone! Today is not just any day, today is the day the Help Force made history by beating the Rebel Penguin Federation in the Legends Cup Grand Finals and winning their first Legends Cup Trophy ever! Truly a Legendary moment and one that will be noted down in history, as one of the big days of the Help Force ever! Thank you ROOBOO, BEASTO, and Jo for leading us to this amazing win! Thank you to all the Staff team for their amazing efforts to achieve this! And lastly, thank you to the Wonderful Troops for this amazing Team win! :DDD

Max: 71+

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Legends Coming Home: A Sneak Peak in the Past

Hello Helpers! I am flypin1, also known as fly. I am a Help Force veteran who has seen this community go through a lot. With an important battle like Legends Cup coming up, I wanted to talk a little bit about our history, the significance of this tournament, and most importantly–what this community means to me. 

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Music Jam Guide – Club Penguin Journey Music Jam Party 2024

Hello Helpers! As you may or may not have heard, the Music Jam has started on Club Penguin Journey! You’ll be able to jam out until August 2nd, so here’s a Music Jam Guide to get the most out of this amazing party.

Music Jam Guide Continue reading


Hello People! Today we logged on CPA Battleground for the Winners Finals round against the Rebel Penguin Federation! We went through a strong and fierce battle with 3 rooms tied, and then ending it with an Overtime Room Win for the Helpers! Thank you for the Commanders, Rooboo, Beasto, and Jo for leading the Battle! And thanks to all attendees for coming to the battle!

Max: 50+

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Hello everyone! Today, we logged on Club Penguin Journey for a DISCO BALLS! We disguised ourselves in disco balls and started the party in the Stadium then moved to Night Club! Thank you, JO, for leading this event! And thank you all for coming to the event!

MAX: 17+

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Hello Helpers! Last Sunday, we logged on CPA Battleground for a Legends Cup Semi-finals battle against the Elite Guardians of CP! We had a fantastic battle where we defeated the Elite Guardians by 3 rooms, avenging our 2018 Legends Cup loss. Thank you, our amazing Commanders, BEASTO, ROOBOO, Jo for leading us to the win, and thank you to all the Troops who have attended the battle! Good luck in the battles to come!

Max: 57+

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cpj stamp helpers

Are you a passionate explorer in Club Penguin Journey? If so, then you’re in for a delightful adventure with the Help Force as your guide to stamp collecting! Stamps in Club Penguin Journey offer a fantastic way to challenge yourself, explore the island, and proudly showcase your achievements.

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CP Journey Guide: Cake Scavenger Hunt

Hello and welcome everyone! Today I will be showing you how to complete the Cake Scavenger Hunt for the CPJ 1st Anniversary! Enjoy the show! :DDD

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