Hello Helpers! Today we logged on to CPAB to do a Warmup for the upcoming Legends Cup Battle! We practiced speed to forms, some new forms and talked about the basics of the battle! Thanks to Rooboo and Beasto for leading, and Foxy for VC-leading!

Max: 22+

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Hello fellow Helpers! Yesterday, we logged on CPA Battleground for Fashion show event! We had a close competition between the Helpers with 5 themes, and each theme had one winner! Thank BEASTO, Jo, Shadow and Samari for leading the Event! Thank you for attending and congratulations for the Winners!

Max: 26+

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Hello everyone! Last Tuesday, we logged on Club Penguin Journey for a Stamp Segment! We helped people get stamps and We also found some golden items for those who needed them! Thank you, Jo, for leading the wonderful Helpers! And thank you all for coming to the event!

Max: 20+

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Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this week’s recipe, I decided to interview a new member to our community: HF Brigadier: Samari!

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Recap of Legends Cup XIV – First Week

Greetings Helpers! It’s your Admiral Diwix here!

Recently, a lot has been happening! Legends Cup XIV has everyone hyped and excited. This has led to some changes and preparations in the server. Let’s dive into our recap!

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Hello Comrades! Yesterday we logged on CPA Battleground – Klondike – Stadium, for Round 1 of the Legends Cup tournament against the Army of Club Penguin! We had a 15 – 20 size difference during the battle and we did some cool and clean forms! Thanks to the Leaders: ROOBOO, BEASTO and Jo for leading us to Victory and Thank you to all Attendees for coming to this glorious battle!

Max: 57+

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Greetings helpers, Diwix here!! Today we logged onto CP Journey for our [AUSIA] STAMP HELPERS CPJ! Huge thanks to our wonderful commander, Jo, for hosting and leading this event for us, with the help of our amazing generals, Dhanush and Ender! We collected many stamps on the game, and had lots of fun!

MAX – 30

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Hello Comrades! Last Thursday, we logged on CPA Battleground to warm up for the Legends Cup XIV Round 1 battle against the Army of Club Penguin! Thank you to the leaders of the Warmup and thanks to all attendees for coming to the Warmup! :DD

Max: 17+

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Double Trouble: Scorp and Ru

Helloo there you lovely helper!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favourite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. For this week we’re interviewing an awesome dynasty duo, they are both cabinet secretary in HF and amazing friends. Of course, I am talking about Scorp and RU!

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Song Of The Week #17 – Rebel Child

Hello music maniacs, welcome to the latest Song Of The Week! Some of you might remember this series from when the previous authors ran it. Kudos to you for sticking around long enough to remember, you’re officially old. Since this is my first post, I will feature my own favorite song in this edition – Rebel Child by Dylan!

Please DM me at _dyl.an on Discord to feature your favorite songs in the next post!

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