Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this week’s recipe, I decided to interview one of our OG staff members who came back to help out: HF Admiral: Diwix!

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Get To Know Your Staff – GeoIonut

Hello guys! YES I am back with another interview just for you!! This is the blog where I interview the amazing staff of our server so we can know more about them! This week I interviewed GeoIonut, a current staff member with the General rank.. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s all welcome him!

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Double Trouble: Jc and Josh

Prepare for trouble… And make it double!!

Helloo there you lovely helper <3 Welcome to the latest edition of your favourite blog, where we embrace the chaos of every dialogue. Double Trouble is where we find the best, and Dhanush and PinguMaliz put friendships to test. We hunt out the besties of the Help Force, no doubt, interview them and see what they are all about. This week we’ve got a duo that’s top-notch, the ultimate double trouble — Jc and Josh!

Double Trouble

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Hello Helpers! Last Monday we logged on CPA Battleground, Stadium for the Defense of Abracadabra against the Templars. Thank you BEASTO and Jo for leading the battle. Thank you to all attendees for coming to the battle!

Max: 17+

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Club Penguin Journey Pin Tracker – August 2024

Hey there! on the lookout for the latest pins on Club Penguin Journey? well, you’ve come to the right place! The Help Force will always have you covered with reliable staff tracking pin locations like this one. Continue reading


Hello Helpers! Today we logged on CPA Battleground, Blizzard for a battle against the Templars to take their lands. It was an easy take as the Templars were afraid of us to the point where they logged off and did a no show. Thank you to the Hcom for leading the event, and thanks to all attendees for coming to the event!

Max: 26+

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[US] Defense of Sabertooth

Ello everyone! We logged on to CPA Battleground for our defense of Sabertooth from the Templars. Thank you to Beasto for leading us in battle today. Thank you all for standing together in defense of our Glorious Gracious Motherland!

Max: 18+

There was a lack of Photographers, hence enjoy this image

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Hello Helpers! Today Tuesday, we had to attack our enemies Templars of Club Penguin. We tried to invade their land called SHERBET. It was a tough battle but we expected it to be like that. In the end, our powerful troops faced the enemy troops and thus we managed to invade the land. Thank you for the leadership BEASTO and JO and thank you to those who participated in this battle!

MAX: 29+

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HF Summer Thirteen ’24

ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – As we are almost done with Summer Holiday, the voting session for the HF 13 has come to an end. A big thank you to everyone who cast your vote, as well as all those who were nominated.

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[US] Defense of Hot Chocolate

Hey Helpers! We logged on CPA Battleground today for yet again, another Defense of Hot Chocolate, in another battle Templars with our ongoing war. We had our wonderful leaders Jo, and our High Command Joe, Zenishira and Ru lead us as we defended! Thank you to all who stood up together in combat to defend our motherland!

MAX – 19+

Defense of Hot Chocolate

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