The helpers in the spirit of the game, logged onto CPAB on Saturday (Ausia) with the intension to play Cart Surfers! Helpers did an amazing job and had a very fun and enjoyable day overall. Some of the moments of the gameday can be seen in the pics below!
This Week In Arcadium | Week 4
It has been almost a month since the Arcadium merged with the Help Force. One month in, the Arcadium continues to host many fun events. This week, we saw more rigged Roblox games, a word search hosted by the sussiest person, and a fun game of Cart Surfer. You know, the usual rigged games.
This Week In Arcadium | Week 3
This has been a fun week with the Minecraft server back up and running, and some more susness happening on Roblox. This wouldn’t be a week in Arcadium without some rigged Skribbl games as well, but at least this week wasn’t as rigged as last week.
This Week In Arcadium | Week 2
This week saw several slightly rigged games being hosted by our tasty hosts. There was also some scamming going on as we fed each other to sharks. This week was a very tasty week for sharks.
This Week In Arcadium | Week 1
Following the conclusion of the first week of Arcadium, the helpers and new Arcadium Hosts are enjoying playing and hosting many fun games. A wide variety of games were hosted this week, such as Skribbl, Roblox, and Minecraft.
Something New: A Turbo Engine
Sup Helpers! Night here, reporting from Acodo’s Dungeon, with another post in this series!! In these series I will be Teaching y’all many things!
Remember to DM me if you have any specific topic in mind to learn!
On Sunday, we logged on for a Flintstones event where we dressed up as dinosaurs. We released our dino-roaring tactics in our ancient formations. Thank you to the dinosaurs that somehow didn’t eat all of our helpers. Comment below if you attended!