PENGUIN STYLE December 2024🎄!
Welcome back my friends to another hidden items catalogue with me Snowflake❄️ at the best Holiday Season, Christmas is here!
Welcome back my friends to another hidden items catalogue with me Snowflake❄️ at the best Holiday Season, Christmas is here!
Hello, lovely Helpers ♡ Halloween is here and it brought us all kinds of sweets.
If you wish to claim these items and more keep reading because you are in for a treat!
Congratulations Aurum on your first Gamer of the Week! Well done, wonderful work and hopefully more to come from you! :DDD
Congratulations Aleksandr on your fourth Gamer of the Week award! Wonderful work in your amazing dedication towards the army and its rise!
Congratulations Pingoboiii on winning his first Gamer of the Week award! Well done and more to come from the #1 Pingo fan!
Congratulations Aleksandr for winning Gamer of the Week 3 times in a Row, therefore earning the GoTW Specialist title! Wonderful work Comrade, and many more to come!
Congratulations Fraser (Tblue) on winning his Second Gamer of the Week! Salute comrade, keep it up and one more for Specialist!!! :DDD
Congratulations Fraser (Tblue) on winning your first Gamer of the Week! Amazing job comrade, keep it up and go for the next one! WOOP
Congratulations Archana for winning her third Gamer of the Week! Therefore, winning her GoTW Specialist Medal! Well done comrade.
Congrats SonicEvanx for earning his second Gamer of the Week! Well done comrade, one more for GoTW Specialist!