Get To Know Your Staff – Foxy

Hello guys! YES I am back with another interview just for you!! This is the blog where I interview the amazing staff of our server so we can know more about them! This week I interviewed Foxyy, a current staff member with the Marshal rank. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s all welcome him!

Hey Foxy! How you doing today?

Hi Dhanushh, I’m doing great! What about you?

I’m alright thanks! So how about you start us off by telling how and when did you join the server?

Amazing to hear that you’re doing well… I joined the server by asking Dan to invite me to the server, he did have to think about letting me join but in the end he did invite me! I officially joined Help Force on 20th June 2022

Hey that’s my birthday! Haha Anyways…Did you have any first impressions on the server when you joined?

Coincidence?? Haha, but yeah! As soon as I joined HF and got verified everyone was so kind towards me, and made me feel welcomed towards the server.

Awh that’s nice💖 So do you have any favorite moments in the Help Force?

I actually have loads of favourite moments in Help Force, I’ll start of saying when I first got Junior staff that was my favourite moment.

Amazingg…! Whom do you consider your closest friends in the Community?

That’s actually a hard question to answer, but if it had to be anyone from HF it probably would have to be either RuEmma or EnderLemon (ivory) just because they both talk to me nearly every day and just make me feel like who I am.

Oh that’s nice… Has there been any theme week so far which you consider as a favorite?

Usually I don’t mind any theme week (apart from the Romanian one… jk) but my favourite one I did like was the Halloween one we had back in 2023

Lmao yeah the Halloween one was nice indeed… So if you had the chance to change something in HF what would it be?

That’s actually a hard question that I have nothing to answer with. In my opinion most things in HF doesn’t need to change apart from a little couple things that I still can’t think off.

Okay… Alright now besides HF do you have any hobbies or interests?

I am currently 15 and in my last year of school so that’s a thing that I do when I’m not on Discord. My interests are playing video games, hanging out with friends and just the basic things that we all do in life

Oo nicee. So what is your dream job? And why?

I love answering this question. But my dream job is joining my local police, and just because when I was young I just had the passion to become one. Not only that I want to help out the community in some way.

Now if you had 2 tickets to go to your favorite sports match/concert who would you take there with you?

Instantly if I had this choice, I would ask my parents either my mom or dad if they want to come with me and if they doesn’t probably either ask Dan or one of my friends.

Nicee! Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I see myself having a job, maybe got a wife?? But I hope I will definitely have a job and keeping myself well for what to come in the other years of my life.

Before we end would you like to tell anything to the readers?

Absolutely! Just follow your dreams. Maybe and maybe one day something you thought would never happen comes out.

Thank you Foxy!

That’s it for today folks! I hope you enjoyed reading today’s blog! Remember to leave a like if you enjoyed reading or BEASTO will send y’all to the mines!! Now I’m gonna go and annoy someone else… Until then take care! Signing out for now, I’ll see you guys next week!

One Response

  1. can we have a video ??

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