Get To Know Your Staff – Bean

Hello guys! YES I am back with another interview just for you!! This is the blog where I interview the amazing staff of our server so we can know more about them! This week I interviewed Bean, a current staff member with the General rank. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s all welcome him!

Helloo Bean! How are you doing today?

I’m doing alr how about yourself?

I’m doing well thanks! So how about you start us off by telling us how and when you join the HF?

I joined hf by getting recruited by Selene on cpr back in March of 2022

Did you have any first impressions on the server when you joined?

I didn’t know what a cp army was i didnt even know they existed lol but it was also chaos in general chat when i came into the server i didn’t know what to do and who to talk to

Damnn and here you are a Staff in the army haha So do you have any favorite moments in the Help Force?

i know lol i have a lot of favorite moments from being in the hf but my absolute favorite moment would be when i host movie nights i miss hosting movie nights every night

Amazingg hoping for your movies to be hosted very soon…! Whom do you consider your closest friends in the Community?

at the moment ru and snowflake i am closest with but i am making new friends in the community

So if you had the chance to change something in HF what would it be?

communication between timezones could be improved as there are multiple different timezones to keep track of and not everyone is getting included in all coversations

Alright now besides HF do you have any hobbies or interests?

when i can i love playing gta 5 online as well as art i love to draw but lately lost motivation and i also love building legos and watching movies

Oo nicee. So what is your dream job? And why?

to become a tv actor cuz i love being able to portray someone that’s not me and experience different adventures

Oh that’s interesting!! Hoping that you’re able to achieve your dream! <3 Now if you had 2 tickets to go to your favorite sports match/concert who would you take there with you?

thanks and i would take my girlfriend with me because we do everything together

Nicee! Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

hopefully achieving my goals and finding a better way of living

Before we end would you like to tell anything to the readers?

keep dreaming and eventually, it will come true

Thank you, Bean!

That’s it for today folks! I hope you enjoyed reading today’s blog! Remember to leave a like if you enjoyed reading or BEASTO will send y’all to the mines!! Now I’m gonna go and annoy someone else… Until then take care! Signing out for now, I’ll see you guys next week!

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