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Why You Should Vote For Choco

The Golden Helper Award is notorious for being rigged. This year, we will ensure that it isn’t rigged by voting for the one person we can trust, Choco. Vote for Choco.

Vote for Choco

Vote Choco

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HF “13” – Summer Session 2024 [VOTING]

ZIPLINE, HELP FORCE CAPITAL – As summer is almost done, Help Force Commanders are excited to announce the return of the Golden Helpers Award. This award is given annually to the thirteen most deserving members, who are chosen through a biannual voting process.

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GoTW #257, #258 & #259

Congratulations Aleksandr for winning Gamer of the Week 3 times in a Row, therefore earning the GoTW Specialist title! Wonderful work Comrade, and many more to come!


Hello everyone! Today is not just any day, today is the day the Help Force made history by beating the Rebel Penguin Federation in the Legends Cup Grand Finals and winning their first Legends Cup Trophy ever! Truly a Legendary moment and one that will be noted down in history, as one of the big days of the Help Force ever! Thank you ROOBOO, BEASTO, and Jo for leading us to this amazing win! Thank you to all the Staff team for their amazing efforts to achieve this! And lastly, thank you to the Wonderful Troops for this amazing Team win! :DDD

Max: 71+

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Hello Helpers! On Thursday 1st August we logged onto Club Penguin Army Battleground for our last Warm-up event for LEGEND CUP XIV: GRAND FINALS against Rebels Penguin Federation. Thanks to BEASTO, ROOBOO, and Jo for leading that event. And also, a big thanks to all the attendees who came to join!

Max: 24+

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Legends Coming Home: A Sneak Peak in the Past

Hello Helpers! I am flypin1, also known as fly. I am a Help Force veteran who has seen this community go through a lot. With an important battle like Legends Cup coming up, I wanted to talk a little bit about our history, the significance of this tournament, and most importantly–what this community means to me. 

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WORLD OF CINEMA – qAleksandr

Hello Helpers! Welcome to a new edition of WORLD OF CINEMA by myself, GeoIonut. In this edition I chose to interview one of the Arcadium hosts, qAleksandr. It was an interesting interview, full of flavor and a lot of information 🙂

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Hey Helpers! For this event we logged onto Club Penguin Journey to get the “Berg Drill” stamp, along with many others including Igloos, recycling, smiles, music jam quests, and more! Thank you thuanthaijo for leading and all of the staff and hcom members for assisting!

MAX: 30+

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