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The Dynasty House – Ameliaa

Hello wonderful Helpers! Today we are back with another amazing Dynasty House interview post, in which we will be interviewing one of the iconic former staff members, who is also known for her world records of staying awake haha!! Please everyone raise your cups for the amazing, Ameliaa!!

Amelia (A.k.a Chloe) joined the Help Force on 4th July 2020, she became active in chat at the end of the month and made lots of friends. Amelia attended many fun events for the Help Force and made sure to be always on the grind. She became a staff at the start of 2021, since then her activity has increased more and more, she was a great and a welcoming staff member, she was also known as the staff who never sleeps. Amelia retired at the end of 2021, making herself comfortable at the HF retirement house! Read the interview to find out more about her.

Hello Chloe, how are you doing in this fine day?

Hello Beastoo, I am well thank you! How are u doing m’ladyy?

Hahaha I’m doing amazing ty, can you start by telling us when did you join the Help Force? and how?

I joined back in 2020 during peak CPA times :chefskiss: I think i was recruited by seeing a bunch of people spamming on CPR and I got a lovely DM from Snowflake that showed me around HF.

How did you become a Dynasty in the Help Force?

I got Dynasty after working my way up to Staff in HF and received it as a general! I became ugly brown when I decided it was time to leave staff after getting Admiral.

Who do you consider your closest friends in the Community?

hmm I still keep in touch with quite a few people that I met through HF. My two faves Mayannaise and snowflake, Barnito and nelly the best duo, the british gang and a few others.

Do you have any favorite moment/memory in the Community? if so, can you share it with us?

I secretly stay up and watch the US chaos that usually ensues when all other timezones are asleep xD that’s always a highlight. Throwback to when we would max events of 60+ people and it felt really good to be part of a huge community. And ofc the monthly overtime?? and RPS demotion dramaa.

Outside of the Club Penguin cults, what other hobbies do you have?

Most of my time I spend sipping coffee in coffee shops studying for my additional degrees in veterinary medicine. I also volunteer for a charity that helps homeless people with getting treatment for their pets. A very humbling experience. 😌

I’m well aware that your a music listener haha, so who are your top 3 music artists?

I feel you are currently judging my spotify playlist rn xD I’m a sad Taylor Swift fan, Coldplay and 1D (ily lisa this is for u).

Can you tell us your top 3 music? :creepymocha~1:

I will listen to anything in the pop charts, piano covers to keep me sane during studying times and classic old pitbull/enminem songs :yimdead:.

If you were given chance to go to the Maldives and have a vacation for a month, and you can only bring one person with you from the Help Force, who would you choose?

Nell – she is a queen, she can cook anything, she’s smart and will be able to make sure my teeth stay healthy.

Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to the lovely Readers?

to the lovely reader; Live, Laugh, Loba. ❤️‍🔥

Thanks everyone for reaching this far in the post! Make sure to like and comment below if you enjoyed reading the post! Till the next time 😀

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