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Three Bullets, Three Years

Walrus, Club Penguin Online — Three goddamn years. A rollercoaster ride would be an understatement, I guess for all of us who have been a part of this at some point or the other. You’ve turned three today, Help Force. Happy Birthday.

Laugh all you want to at “Helping Friends,” but that was most certainly a pre-planned move from my side to gain attention during the early stages of the army. I’ve been asked this many times before “did you think HF would get this big?”short answer? No. Just because a few of us managed to set the record straight doesn’t mean we know how we did it. Every month, every day, every hour has a memory attached to it, and that’s what makes it special. A virtual community inclusive of thousands of people who connect through the means of club penguin, it’s a second life, and for that, Happy Birthday Help Force.

“Bullets, Club Penguin Online, it’s 2021 Ayan!” I can see where you’re coming from, and no, I’m not here to recite the story of how we defeated the Pirates in the summer of 2019. Each year has had its share of fascinating club penguin battles and dramatic moments, but is it essential to dwell in the past when you can turn a new leaf? Three questions, three answers, let’s see if you can take the hit for these.

What unites us as an army? 

Stamps? Flags? Events? Stories. There’s nothing in this community more powerful than your journey, which becomes an inspiration for someone else. It’s eternal and has an impact of more than you can imagine. A recruit can get inspired by his recruiter’s narrative and strive towards leading alongside him. It’s undefeatable and unbent. A troop would not leave your side during the war because he knows the moral cause behind it. It’s unbowed and unbroken. The memories you make while spending your time over here are the ones you’ll cherish. The mere concept of stability and loyalty overshadows the greed for being successful. Write your own story. Train your juniors as you aim to achieve higher. Be a symbol. Be a Helping Friend.

Why do we resist change?

Change is inescapable as we pass the baton and move forward, and the reason why nobody wants change is from the fear of adapting to an entirely new situation where everyone is pitted on the same field. But is this the right approach to the situation?
The army community witnessed a plethora of philosophical and tactical changes throughout its course and continues to do so, as we evolved from xat to discord chats and then voice leading. Arguments about whether a certain change is beneficial or not is an open-ended discussion, but the sole spirit of creating something better should always be encouraged. Create, contribute, participate, advise, ask, answer, and strive towards making the army a better place for everyone. Co-operation is key, and chaos is a ladder, Help Force Forever.

Who is our enemy? 

Theoretically, some armies. Ideologically, we, ourselves, and our petty arguments. As quoted by Friedrich Nietzsche:

“But the worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself; you lie in wait for yourself in caverns and forests. Lonely one, you are going the way to yourself! And your way goes past yourself, and past your seven devils! You will be a heretic to yourself and witch and soothsayer and fool and doubter and unholy one and villain. You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame: how could you become new, if you had not first become ashes?”

There’s just a limited amount of time you’re going to give over here. Why not use it for the better cause? A united set of morally confident troops is far stronger than hundreds of scattered defense lines. Break the wheel. Be the change. Is the time you’re giving into the army adding any value to it? If not, think about how to do so. Because when each one of us aims to contribute and help each other out, the true power of helping will be unleashed.

Are you ready to walk into the fourth chapter of this dusty book?


HF & CPA Legend

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